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That Saturday at 8 a.m, the news had officially announced that sixteen year old, Marina Nunier, had been murdered.

Julieta Suárez hadn't been able to fully process the information when she first heard it. That morning her mother had called her down in distress, telling her to come watch the news with her, Joaquín and even a few of the maids.

At first the brunette was in denial. Marina couldn't be dead, she had thought. She was fine when I last saw her. She was alive and standing. She was breathing.

Then she remembered the last thing she had said to the girl and ran to the bathroom to throw up. She was right when she said one day someone would snap and Marina wouldn't be saved. The brunette didn't regret it. But she didn't think it would actually come true. Especially that soon.

Death was a foreign thing for the teen. The only time she had been to a funeral was when her grandfather on her father's side had passed away from lung cancer, caused by a smoking addiction. And even then she had only been five years old. She barely even knew the man as her grandfather. He was more so the man who would send her a five euro note in a birthday card.

But this was different.

She knew Marina. She saw Marina on a daily basis. She talked to Marina. Marina was apart in her life-- albeit not for good reasons but still present nonetheless.

It made Julieta sick to her stomach that someone she knew had just died. No, scratch that. Murdered.

The brunette wouldn't be a hypocrite. She still despised the girl with every fiber in her body. But that didn't mean she wanted her to die. That didn't mean Marina deserved to be murdered by the swimming pool in her own school. No one deserved to have their life taken away from them by the hands of another person. Especially in such a cruel way.

The hardest part had been the interrogations for Julieta. Having to sit in that dark room for hours a day being ruthlessly questioned about a murder that she had no part in. To sit there and be stared down by the detective's accusing eyes. It was brutal.

"It's sick." Elena muttered with scowl on her face. "How can someone murder a child? I'll tell you who, a person who has no conscience or empathy. A psychopath, that's who."

"Elena, darling, you need to calm down." Joaquín placed a soothing had on his wife's shoulder. "You don't want Laura hearing you. Especially now at her daughter's wake."

"I know, I know. But it just infuriates me." The blonde exhaled loudly. She looked towards her daughter who was comforting the brother of the deceased. "I can't help but think what if it had been Julieta. What if my baby had been murdered by someone who was still walking around freely. I don't think I could survive that pain."

Julieta smiled softly at her teary eyed best friend and couldn't stop herself from bringing him into another hug. She knew Guzmán didn't necessarily want her sympathy, or anyone's for that matter, because it wouldn't bring his sister back. But she also knew that he need suport from his friends. And Julieta was going to do her very best to give him that.

"Thank you for being here, Lia." Guzmán whispered into her shoulder and held onto her tighter. "You're a great friend. You always have been. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Guz." The brunette whispered back. She couldn't help but tear up at the pain in her best friend's voice. It made her feel so guilty for the tiny bit of relief she had in her heart. She was relieved that the source of all her problems was gone, but guilty for feeling that relief when it had been murder to help solve the problem.

"Hey." The two heard as they broke apart from the hug. They noticed Polo standing there with a nervous smile. Julieta decided to leave them be for a moment and made her way over to Ander.

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now