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"Ander, you love your girlfriend very much, am I right? So much so you'd do anything for her?"

Ander shook his head at the woman, confused. "What does that have to do with--"

"We have numerous witnesses from the school who say you tend to get very protective over her. Even before people knew you were dating."

"I still don't--"

"Ander, can you tell me why a large number of students saw you following Marina during the graduation party?"

The curly haired boy took a deep breath, annoyed with the woman's constant need to interrupt him. He shrugged. "I wanted to talk to her."

"About what?"

"At the time, I had just found out about what Marina had been doing to Julieta. I wanted to talk to Marina myself and get her to stop and leave Julieta alone."

"Just for conformation, you're telling me you went to confront Marina during the graduation party, right?" The teen nodded, his heart beating out of his chest. "Ander, is there any possibility she said she wouldn't stop and you got angry? So angry to the point you picked up the trophy and hit her over the head with it?"

Ander immediately shook his head. "No, no, I didn't do it. I swear. When I left her by the pool she was still alive."

The blonde detective blinked at the teen.

She didn't believe him.



Julieta Suárez was the type of girl that cared a lot about her appearance. She didn't care if people liked her, but she cared if she looked flawless while they didn't like her.

No matter who the girl was with she always wanted to look at least presentable, the only exception being Ander, but even that had taken her months to feel fully comfortable with being 'messy' in front of him.

Even going to the store for less than two minutes, she had to at least wear a nice top and do her makeup. The need to look presentable 24/7 was something her mother had made her accustomed to at a very young age. She admired the girls who could throw on anything and leave the house without a care in the world.

Which was why she sat stiffly at the breakfast table that Sunday morning, picking at her plate of scrambled eggs as her parents conversed with Emilio, who she hadn't been informed was arriving.

Nowadays, that wouldn't be a problem since her and the Chevera boy had become somewhat friends. But she was embarrassed since she had walked down that morning wearing the panda pajama bottoms Polo had gifted for her birthday, last year, as a joke.

"Mamá, papá," She cut them off. "May I talk to you about something?"

Her mother smiled. "Of course darling, what is it?"

"Well, I'm sure you've heard about the Nunier's situation. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind lending them some money, to help get Ventura Nunier out of the detention facility. You won't have to give them much but--"

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now