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Julieta was enraged to say the least. 

She had spent the whole weekend coming up with a plan to confront Marina in a calm and collective way, wanting to be the bigger person. The brunette even made up conversations between the two in her head and-- not to toot her own horn-- came up with some pretty good comebacks. 

However, that all flew out the window as soon as she laid sight on the girl. Julieta couldn't help but seethe as she watched the redhead secretly smoke a cigarette on school grounds, as if she owned the place. 

The brunette marched over. "What the fucking hell, Marina?!" Julieta forcefully grabbed her arm and turned Marina towards her. "Are you fucking deranged?!"

Marina snatched her arm out of Julieta's grip. The Nunier girl rolled her eyes before throwing the cigarette on the floor and putting it out with her shoe. "Please, as if you weren't already on your way to rat me out to Guzmán. I know you Julieta. You're no saint."

"You don't know what I was going to do!" Julieta yelled, gaining the attention of nearby students. "Either way, you had no right to blab. Do you even realize how much you've screwed things up? No, because you're too fucking selfish to think about other people for one second other than yourself. Too selfish to even think that someone's life is worth more than your petty drama that you cause for attention."

"That's rich coming from you. If I remember correctly, you were the one who had her hand down another guy's pants even though she's engaged." 

"And you're the one screwing her boyfriend's brother." Julieta smirked as Marina's eyes went wide as she looked around to make sure nobody heard. Over her weekend of planning, Julieta had finally remembered why the man Marina was with had looked so similar. He was Samuel's brother. "Yeah, you're no fucking saint either." 

"I never said I was. Nor do I pretend to be one."

"Clearly." The brunette mocked.

Marina shrugged. "Like you said, you don't know anything about my life."

"I know you're an inconsiderate brat who thinks the world revolves around her. I know you'd do anything, even betray your own family just to save your own ass and get what you want." 

"I have problems too. I go through a lot of shit too."

Julieta scoffed. "Oh, cry me a river and drown in it, bitch. I was willing to be civil and keep your little secret, but now I don't think I will." The brunette crossed her arms and snickered mockingly. "In fact, I saw Samuel in the library this morning. I was thinking about saying hello."

Marina glared, stopping the girl in her tracks as she went to walk back to the school. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." 

"Oh yeah, and why's that?"

"Because I'm sure your parents wouldn't be too happy finding out their little girl didn't save her virginity for her future husband." Julieta faltered, not expecting Marina to know about the promise she made to her parents. She figured Marina had overheard her talking to Guzmán about it one day when she was over at their house. "I suppose they might even kick you out. Or maybe with a little convincing... even ruin any chances of your little boy toy getting into a good college."

Julieta took a threatening step towards the girl. "If you do anything that could hurt him I swear to God, Marina I'll--"

"You'll what? Huh?" Marina cut her off, getting closer to her face. "Exactly. I've got too much power against you. I can ruin you with just a phone call, Julieta. If you so much as whisper about what you saw to anybody, it's bye-bye Ander." With one last smirk, Marina bashed her shoulder into the brunette's and walked off towards the school. 

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now