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"Hermosa." Ander whispered and nudged the brunette's arm to grab her attention. "Are you okay? You weren't in second period." 

Julieta nodded with a faint smile. "I went to the nurse. Cramps."

Ander frowned, noticing her tear stained cheeks. "You've been crying." Julieta went to protest when she got distracted by the sounds of Martín's yelling, the teacher catching Samuel on his phone during class.

While she turned her attention towards the scene in front of her, Ander continued to eye her in concern. He knew something had upset her but he wasn't going to force her to tell him. The teen hoped Julieta would tell him when she was ready. 

For now, he gently grabbed her hand under the table and intertwined their fingers. The simple affectionate gesture causing a smile to form on the girl's face.

Martín handed Samuel's phone to Nadia. "Nadia, please read the message."

Nadia looked reluctant but after noticing the look on Martín's face, she began reading. "Marina doesn't have AID's asshole. It's HIV-"

Immediately Guzmán stood up, yelling at her to stop before charging at Samuel. Martín was quick to hold him back. "Why were you texting that?!"

"Guzmán, please calm down."

"How could you allow her to read it?" 

Martín scowled at the boy. "First, show me some respect. Second, you know the rules, you can't use cell phones. I had the right to do that." 

Samuel scoffed. "A hell of a right you had." 

"Shut up." Was the teacher's reply. Julieta couldn't help but agree with Samuel. What right did Martin have to make someone read a private text message out loud. Screw the rules. Privacy is privacy and he had no right. In her opinion, it was an abuse of power.

"Marina, you have HIV?" Nadia asked the redhead with wide eyes, almost as if she were completely disgusted with the girl.

"Nadia." Julieta called out, glaring at the Shanaa girl. Sure, the brunette wasn't best friends with Marina but she didn't like how judgemental Nadia was being.

The rest of the class-- excluding Julieta's friends and the scholarship students-- started whispering to each other, as if the person they were talking about wasn't even in the room. "Guys, please calm down." Martín called out. "Now!"

There was a sudden bang on a table and the squeak of a chair. Julieta watched as Marina slowly stood up. "Marina, you don't have to say anything. Please don't." Guzmán pleaded to his little sister. 

"Guzmán, please." Marina stopped her brother, her voice wavering. "I was infected a little over a year ago, more or less." She addressed the class, never looking anyone in the eye. "I know people will be talking about this. I'll say this...you don't need to worry about me. I take medication. I do medical tests every four months...and the virus isn't detectable so that means I can't infect you." 

Marina gave a watery smile before sitting back down in her seat. The silence after that was broken when Christian started clapping. Although Julieta didn't join in with him, she did think that Marina deserved a clap or even a gold medal for being brave enough to do that in front of a class of judgmental teens. The brunette only hoped that one day she could be as brave as Marina if it came to it.


Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now