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"Witnesses state you got into a physical fight with Marina a week before the party. A fight you initiated. Can you confirm that?"

Julieta nodded, glancing at the slightly faded bruises on her knuckles. "Yes. We got into a fight." 

The detective cleared her throat. "You're in a relationship with Ander Muñoz, correct?" Julieta blinked at the blonde. "Don't worry, he's not in any trouble." 


The detective looked through her notes for what seemed like hours to Julieta, when in reality it was only for a few minutes. "From what I understand, at the time you started your relationship you were engaged to Emilio Chavera. Marina knew of your relationship and threatened to tell your parents. You got angry and got into a fight. Then she tried blackmailing you during the party to get some money because she was running away. Correct?"

The brunette bit her lip before reluctantly nodding.

"Miss Suárez, I need a vocal confirmation."

"Yes...that's correct."

"Is that when you picked up the trophy and hit her over the head with it?"



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To say Julieta was having a catastrophic morning would be the understatement of the year. The first thing she had been told that morning was that she had an appointment with a wedding dress designer in a few weeks. It made her realize how fast time was running out, each second bringing her closer to the 'doomsday' that was her wedding. To top it off, as soon as she arrived at school, her soccer coach had informed her that her grades were slipping and she was at risk of being kicked off the team if she didn't achieve at least a C- in all of her subjects by the end of the term.

And people say the rich don't suffer, she thought bitterly. 

Julieta had been exchanging her books in her locker when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. She quickly pinched them, causing the curly haired boy to yelp. "What the hell?"

The brunette rolled her eyes at him. "Don't be a baby, I barely even touched you." Ander flipped her off in response and continued rubbing the spot she had pinched. "Besides, I think you forgot we're in public." 

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now