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[DISCLAIMER! Minor mentions of self harm]




Julieta suddenly groaned in annoyance, glaring daggers at the heart monitor.

"Can't we just turn it off already? They know I'm alive."

Elena rolled her eyes from her seat next to the hospital bed, never taking her eyes off of the page in front of her. Julieta almost cackled when her mother had first shown her the book. The white cover had a picture of a loving family on it- including their German Shepherd- all huddled together in a group hug. But what made Julieta want to howl in laughter was the title of the thick book. "Parenting; How To Handle Teenage Depression."

The brunette didn't actually think there was any valuable information in there but she appreciated the fact that her mother was trying to help in the first place, even if it wasn't completely necessary.

In all honesty, Julieta didn't even know for sure if she was depressed, which obviously sounds insane given what she did. The doctor told her it was either that or a consequence of too much stress and anxiety. Either way, her mother signed her up for therapy sessions with one of the best psychiatrists in the country, much to Julieta's dismay.

"It's just for reassurance, honey. You did lose a lot of blood and there is still the possibility of something going wrong."

"Well it's been three days of that insufferable beeping sound so if something is going to happen, I pray it happens now."

The blonde set her book down and sighed at her daughter's attitude. She stood up and walked over to the large window on the left side of the room, which was covered by thick beige curtains. "You know what you need?"

Julieta scoffed. "Deodorant?"

Elena rolled her eyes once more and pulled open the curtains. The teen winced at the sudden brightness that filled the room. "Sunlight. You know darkness can increase depression?"

"And I'm assuming you read that in your book of teenage agony, right?" Julieta smiled innocently at her mother who gave her a warning look.

"For your information it's actually very educational."

"Did your educational book also say that having a million candles around the room also cures depression?" The Suárez girl grimaced at the sight of her hospital room.

Her parents had made sure that she was given one of the best rooms in the facility. It was huge, had an amazing view- although it was quite pointless since Julieta rarely opened the curtains- and even had its own private en-suite.

However, Julieta couldn't enjoy any of it as it was filled with different bouquets of flowers, all sent by her classmates who wished her well. She greatly appreciated the gesture but all the different colors and smells were giving her a headache. Adding the candles to the mix, she felt like she was living in her own personal Lush store.

"No, I just like candles." Elena simply shrugged. There was a sudden knock on the door and the doctor's head popped in. He smiled shyly at the two women.

"Sorry to disturb you both but I need to talk to you for a moment, Mrs. Suárez, if that's alright?"

Elena turned to her daughter as she began walking to the door. "Don't jump out the window while I'm gone, okay?"

Julieta smiled sarcastically at her mother. "Ha ha, very funny." As soon as the door clicked shut, the girl kicked off the blanket and rushed over to Elena's handbag. The brunette began rummaging through it, glancing at the door every now and then in case her mother walked back in. Finally, her hands grasped onto the rectangular device and brought it to her lips. "Oh, how I've missed you dear friend." She muttered.

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now