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The room was silent. The only sound that could be heard was the constant tapping of Julieta's acrylic nails on the metal table. 

The investigator sat in her seat and eyed the girl opposite her. The blonde couldn't wrap her head around the sixteen year old. The woman could see in the brunette's eyes that she was scared. Not because she did something wrong and was scared of getting caught, but scared that someone she knew was just murdered not even 24 hours ago.

But at the same time, the blonde could also detect relief in her eyes. As if the cause of all her problems had disappeared. As if she didn't have to worry anymore. 

Which was why she was a prime suspect in the investigation. 



Ander Muñoz anxiously waited outside the boys locker room. The curly haired boy kept checking his watch every ten seconds while bouncing on his feet. To a passerby, it would seem as if the boy was desperate to go to the toilets. 

The bell rang making the students in the hallway head out to lunch. Ander cursed, thinking that he was either being ditched or Julieta suddenly had second thoughts. 

However, the moment he wasn't paying attention, small hands grabbed him from behind and pulled him into the locker room. Before he could process what was going on, he was shoved up against the cold metal locker and soft lips attached themselves to his own. 

Julieta could feel the boy's heart racing as she placed her ring covered hands on his chest. The brunette couldn't tell if it was because he was still in shock or if she just had that type of effect on him. 

The teens lips moved hungrily against each other, neither being able to get enough. They were like a house on fire, and yet no amount of cold water could burn the flame that was their lust for one another.

Ander grabbed Julieta's waist tightly and moved them over to the bench before lifting her onto his lap. They knew it was risky to be doing this in school but at that moment, neither cared. It was that exact risk that made them more turned on. 

Julieta gasped as Ander's hand made its way up her skirt as he left a trail of kisses down her neck. The girl moaned as the tip of his fingers came in contact with her thong covered heat. "God, I missed you so much." The Muñoz boy admitted and re-connected their lips. 

"We saw each other a week ago." 

"What's your point?" The brunette rolled her eyes at him, a smile gracing her beautiful face. Ander noticed her eye roll and pressed down harder on her clit. Julieta moaned once again, louder this time, and tugged on his hair.

Two can play this game, she thought.

It was Ander's turn to moan as she began rocking herself back and forth on his lap. "Hermosa, I don't care if we're in school. So if you keep teasing I won't hesitate to take you right here, right now." 

The girl's eyes lit up as a smirk made its way onto her face. She ever so softly traced her thumb over his swollen bottom lip before pulling him even closer. "Is that a promise?" 

Ander chuckled at her eagerness. Before he could make his words become a reality, Julieta's phone chimed. In unison, they both sighed, knowing the moment was ruined. "I'm guessing you're needed?" Ander asked, annoyed, resting his forehead against her shoulder as she read over the text.

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now