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Julieta was late getting to school the next day. 

When she woke up that morning she realized her driver hadn't shown up and her car keys were missing, both most likely done by her still furious father just to be spiteful. She was tempted to ditch school altogether but decided against it, remembering she had a chemistry exam that day.

And so she had to get the bus. 

It had been a long time since she traveled by bus and Julieta realized how much she missed it. Aside from the few weirdos and the old woman next to her who smelled like cat litter, Julieta really enjoyed it. Watching everything zoom by from outside the bus window almost brought her peace, as it was something she couldn't normally appreciate due to the tinted windows in her driver's car. 

By the time the teen had made it to school, the halls were completely deserted, the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of her heels against the tiles. She expected a ball of tumbleweed to roll past her, the empty halls somehow reminding her of an old cowboy movie. 


Said girl winced, cursing under her breath. She turned to a confused Azucena and started walking towards the woman. She couldn't afford getting detention right now. She needed to prove to Coach Varis that she was capable of staying out of trouble if she wanted to be able to play for the rest of the school year. "I'm really sorry for being late, Mrs. Muñoz. I promise it won't happen again. Please don't give me detention--" 

Azucena was quick to shake her head and held her hands up, stopping the brunette's rambling. "No, no, don't worry. It's okay." Julieta let out a breath of relief and smiled thankfully at the woman. "I was actually on my way to come find you."

"Is there something wrong?"

Azucena gestured towards her office door. "I think it would be better if we talked in my office." Julieta hesitantly followed after the woman, slight worry flooding her thoughts. 

Once inside the office, the brunette slowly sat down in one of the chairs opposite Azucena's desk. The chair was incredibly uncomfortable and it caused her to squirm a bit. Julieta suspected it was a tactic to increase uneasiness whenever students were called into the office, allowing Azucena to get answers out of them quicker. Much like a chair in an interrogation room. 

"Oh my..." The woman suddenly gasped. Due to the sunlight coming into the room, contrasting the lack of light in dark halls, Azucena was able to notice the very large bruise on the teens chin. Julieta had tried hiding it with makeup but it was so obtrusive that it was still very visible through the foundation. "Honey, what happened?"

Julieta shook her head at the principal. "I...uh, I fell during soccer practice. It's nothing."

"Are you sure?" Julieta nodded. The woman sighed, feeling a knot in the pit in her stomach. However, she decided not to push the matter any further. "Alright, well then I guess we should talk about the reason as to why I ask you here." The Suárez girl sat up straighter in her seat. "Yesterday I got a text from an unknown number telling me to go home urgently. Imagine my surprise when I find you and my son together." Julieta's eyes went wide as the woman linked her fingers on top of her desk. "My son being intimate with someone who is engaged."

The brunette cursed and ran a hand through her already messy hair. Normally, she'd be appalled by the state of her appearance, but quite frankly what she looked like was the least of her concerns at the moment. 

"Mrs. Muñoz, I'm begging you to please not tell my parents."

"I'm not sure, Julieta." The woman sighed once more. "This is a very serious matter and I don't want my son to be a part of this. I understand that you probably don't want to get married at such a young age, but I won't accept my son possibly suffering because of your bad decisions."

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now