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"On the 1st of June, around 9:30 p.m., you entered the school swimming pool. Marina was there. You had an increasingly heated argument...until you picked up the trophy, and hit her on the back of the head with it. She did not die instantly which means you left her there...bleeding to death. This is what we believe happened, and more importantly, what the judge believes happened."

The detective leaned down at eye level and squinted.

"Do you have anything to say in your defense?"



Julieta Suárez pouted from her seat on the bed as she watched her mother rummage though her closet, throwing anything she didn't like behind her, the brunette getting smacked in the face several times in the process

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Julieta Suárez pouted from her seat on the bed as she watched her mother rummage though her closet, throwing anything she didn't like behind her, the brunette getting smacked in the face several times in the process.

For helping pick out most of the things in her daughter's closet, Elena couldn't help but grimace at every item. It wasn't that they were ugly or unfashionable, it just seemed that nothing was right for this specific occasion.

"Mamá, you can search for as long as you want. Narnia isn't back there. Trust me, I've spent most of my childhood looking."

Elena rolled her eyes and threw a shirt at the brunette's face. "Ha, ha, you're so funny. Has anyone ever told you to consider becoming a comedian?"

"Actually yes. Although, I'd prefer a job more along the lines of something like a doctor or a scientist. And I would be close to achieving that if I went to school. Something you are stopping me from doing, so technically it's your fault if I do become a comedian and annoy you with my jokes."

"First of all, I'd like to give a moment and pray for the patients who would come to you if you were a doctor. You'd probably end up causing more harm than actually treating them. Second of all, you know why you can't go to school today. Doctors orders."

"Well I don't trust the doctor. While we were in the hospital I saw him put coffee first before the milk. I mean, what kind of psycho does that? I'll tell, one that we shouldn't be listening to."

The blonde couldn't help but laugh at her daughter's dramatics. "Regardless of how he makes his coffee, he's still a doctor. A very good one at that. And if he says it's best for your health not to go to school then we will do as he says. I'm already going against him by allowing you to go to the end of the year party tonight."

"Mamá..." Elena hummed and continued going through the teens closet. "...have you-- have you talked to dad about cancelling the wedding?"

"Uh, yes I have." All hope left Julieta as her mother smiled sympathetically and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry, honey. I tried, I really did. But he won't change his mind. Like I said before, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes that you don't know about. It's making the possibility of changing his mind all the more difficult."

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now