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Ander smiled, admiring the beauty in front of him.

If anyone were to ask Ander to describe Julieta Suárez in one word, he would have a hard time resisting the urge to use the word 'perfect'. He was aware that she was far from perfect, and yet, he couldn't stop the word from popping up into his head whenever he'd lay his eyes on her.

As she sat on the terrace railing, her hair ruffled from his hands constantly running through it. Her cheeks flushed and her face bare from makeup, showing off little imperfections on her skin. Wearing his shirt that barley reached mid-thigh, allowing her tan legs to be on display. He found her completely and utterly mesmerizing.

He was used to Julieta always having hair hair and makeup done flawlessly and her clothes always fitting her like a glove, never a wrinkle in sight. He loved the moments where she would let her guard down and dare to be 'imperfect'. He felt honored that she was comfortable enough to be messy around him, knowing that even with Lu and Carla, the brunette always tried to look presentable.

She was so beautiful. Both inside and out.

He was so tempted to just rip his shirt off of her and go for round two right there on his balcony. However, he tried restraining himself, knowing she was tired, and settled for just placing butterfly kisses all over her face. Julieta giggled at the ticklish sensation. She grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into an affectionate kiss, not realizing she was making it that much harder for Ander to not bend her over.

As the teens became engrossed by the kiss, they hadn't noticed a stunned Azucena staring up at them with wide eyes and mouth gaping.

When the woman had gotten a text from an unknown number while she was out shopping, telling her to go home, she assumed it was a prank. So to say the least the woman was completely dumbfounded when she caught the teens, thinking they were only close friends. Not to mention the fact that the girl her son was currently making out with was supposedly already spoken for.

Azucena quickly walked out of the garden and towards her car, not wanting to be seen but also needing a minute to process what she had just witnessed.

Ander sighed and pulled away, resting his forehead against the brunette's. Julieta noticed his change in demeanor and frowned, gently combing her fingers through his curls. "What's wrong?"

Ander hesitated. Deep down he knew starting the discussion they were about to have would be a terrible idea and would most likely end badly. But he felt the need to get everything off his chest. He was becoming too frustrated with everything. "Are you really going to go through with this wedding?"

Julieta's frown deepened and she shook her head at him, confused. "Where is this coming from? You know I can't get out of it."

"Well have you even tried?"

The brunette scoffed and pushed him back slightly to move out of his hold. "Are you serious? Do you even hear yourself right now?" She could feel her temper slowly rising as she looked at the boy. "That's all I do, Ander!"

"Yeah, well it doesn't seem like it." The boy muttered and looked away from her.

"Excuse me?! It doesn't fucking seem like it?!" Julieta snapped, hurt that he would even suggest that. "Well I'm sorry I don't record every time I get into a fucking argument with my parents about it, Ander! God, I can't believe you would even say that to me. How fucking dare you!"

"What do you expect, Julieta? My girlfriend is getting married and there's nothing I can do about it! Do you even know how fucking painful it is knowing that another man is going to be calling you his wife?"

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now