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Jennie pov;

I rubbed my eyes slowly when i feels the brightly sunshine hit my face....... I sit on the edge of my bed and look around my bedroom.. it's clean. I walk into my bathroom and wash my face then brush my teeth...

When I'm done I'm directly walk out from my bedroom into kitchen. I brew my coffee on my coffee machine... This all is my routine when I'm at home .... In this peaceful morning my mind definitely thinking of someone who're own all of my heart.. it's Lisa.

I'm smiling like an idiot when Lisa face comes into my mind.... I miss her fucking much already..... I want to be closer to her everyday, every minute, every second... It's all because of one thing... It's love.

Since the day we became friends Lisa never left me. She always beside me, no matter where we go... Lisa always protect me whenever where we are. She always care about me too....


"Kim Jennie!!!"- Jennie's dad yell at her daughter with angry voice..

Jennie sighed slowly... it's not her fault bur her dad never trusted her...

"We never teach you to be a bad person!!"- her dad yell again.. Jennie can't look directly into her dad eyes.. she feels damn scared..

"What have you done earlier real--"- Jennie's dad haven't finished yet and he already cut by Lisa ..... Jennie's nom little bit shocked..

All eyes on Lisa..... Lisa give Jennie a look and then Lisa look again to Jennie's dad eyes...

"I'm sorry interrupt you Uncle but you need to trust me.. yours daughter never did any bad things... "- Lisa said with her confident face..

Jennie who're stand beside Lisa just can keep silent and froze..

"Lisa you're her bestfriend ofcouse you're defend her right?! How ashamed we are when the teacher said that Jennie punch that innocent girl untill passed out!! "- Jennie's dad said again.... Mrs Kim quickly stroke Mr Kim shoulder...

"It's not her start first. Jennie did nothing. The teacher misunderstood what is really going on that time. That bitch bullying Jennie at first and Jennie give her a big slapped on that bitch cheek. Then we also don't know why suddenly that bitch passed out and on the right time the teacher is coming.... So they probably misunderstood the real situation."- Lisa said again and put her arm on Jennie shoulder...

Lisa give Jennie a brightly smile....  Jennie's dad let out a small sighed...

"I'm here dumpling.. don't worry. "- Lisa whisper to Jennie ear.. Jennie just give her a nervous small..

"It's still Jennie fault. But sokay let it be.. after this don't do it again Jennie. "- Mr Kim said in serious tone. Jennie just nodded.

Then Lisa and Jennie excuse themselves to go to Lisa house...

"Yah!! Thanks for defending me just now Lisa-yah.."- Jennie said when they're already at Lisa bedroom.

"Not a big matter baby dumplings. I will always defending you, protecting you...mybe untill the last breath of mine then i will stop."- Lisa said and winked at Jennie..

Jennie just smiled...

"Why you're too nice to me?"- Jennie ask back.

"Hmmm because i... Love .... You."- Lisa answer in serious tone... Jennie feels her heart beating faster but she quickly throw it all... They eyes meet..

Lisa smile sweetly to Jennie..and Jennie smile back..

End of flashback~~

Jennie feels her cheeks reddened and hot when she remembered again that sweet memories with Lisa... Lisa is such a sweet talkers..

Jennie heard her phone rang loudly from her bedroom...  She quickly run into bedroom and answer the call and walk out again from bedroom..

"Goodmorning Jennie"- Her mom said and it make Jennie smile..

"Goodmorning too mom..so why are you calling this early in the morning?"- Jennie ask.

"It's nothing .. i just want to ask you something.."- Her mom said again.

Jennie sit on the couch when waiting for her mom answer.

"This Sunday. Did you free??"- her mom ask . Jennie think for awhile..

"I think I'm free why? "-  Jennie answer and ask back.

"Great to hear that.. so come back home we had a small family dinner .. make sure you will come home in 6p.m. okay??"- her mom said again... 

"Okay.. see you and dad in this Sunday. Take care mom."- Jennie said.... Then they end the call..  Jennie walk into her bathroom and take a hot bath. It's make her feel relaxed.

When Lisa and Jennie finished they high school studying.They family both moved out from they old house...but nothing can broke Jennie and Lisa friendship. They're still together untill now.


Lisa pov;


For tonight i wear some formal clothes it's because my mom said that we have a special guests.... I love more to wear simple clothes...mybe because i just live in a simple life.

I'm on my way to my parents house... After the day Mina in the hospital.... I never come to see Jennie face to face..... It's lie if I'm not missing her..... I miss her damn fucking much!! Most of the day i spending it with Mina at her apartment.... Mina always told me not to care about her if it's just pity of her...

I know Mina is a good girl..... I can't hurt her but i need my happiness too... My happiness is Jennie.. I don't even know what Jennie feeling for me.. it's make my confident for her become more down.... What if Jennie don't love me more than friend?? Her body is mine already...but her heart??

I awake from my own world when i realize that I'm already park my car on my parents house garage... I quickly get our from car and entered my house..

"Mom!!! Dad!!! I'm home!!"- i called them ... then my dad comes from the kitchen and walk towards me..

"Sit down first. Yours mom still prepare the dinner..our guests on they way to come here."-  my dad said after i give him a hug.. I sit on the couch with my dad beside me..

"So how are you Lisa??"- my dad ask..

"Hmm I'm fine dad.. you and mom?"- i answer and ask back..

He give me a smile.

"We're fine too... You're officially an adult woman now Lisa.. it's time to getting married and give us a grandchildren..."- my dad said..

"What?? Hahaha.. just wait little bit dad..i will getting married soon and give grandchildren as much as you guys want."- i said then chuckled... I'm in playful tone..

My dad just shake her head then smile... Not long after that.....

"Hey Marco!! We're here!!"- someone said with cheerful voice... Dad and i both look towards door...

My heart beating faster when i see that a middle-aged of man who're smile looking at us. I definitely know who're the man...

What the fuck??!! I'm really getting married???

#keep read it...
#thanks for reading....
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#sorrt for bad English and wrong grammar.

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