Pre-Twilight: Chapter Eleven

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I slowly start pulling away from the darkness. What happens next is shocking. I start feeling all these different emotions all at once. Fear. Nervousness. Excitement. Contempt. Weariness. Are these my emotions? I can't tell. I need to get out of this darkness. Please, please, please, don't have Anna there.

I fight to open my eyes. I can blink away the darkness and see I am in a room; all I can see in it is white. I groan softly and try to get up.

"Woah there. Let's get you checked out before you try to get up." I hear a voice say. I recognize it immediately. Jasper.

"O-Okay." I close my eyes and try to control my breathing.

"Don't fall asleep. You could have a concussion."

"I'm just relaxing my eyes." I hear a door open and footsteps approaching.

"Hey there, Janetta." I open my eyes and notice it's Dr. Cullen. Shit.

"H-Hey, Dr. Cullen. Fancy seeing you here." I look around and notice the window walls. "In your own house." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"You fainted again, Janetta." He said.

"I am very aware."

"Did you know you were going to faint?" Jasper asked.

"W-What?" I asked, trying to act dumb. "No."

"I know you're lying. You told me not to call Anna." Fucking hell.

"I-I had... a headache. One that is similar to the ones I get before I faint." Lying through my teeth. Hopefully, it's good enough to get me out of here and home.

"And how do you feel?" Dr. Cullen cuts in.

"Tired as hell," I say. He pulls out a little flashlight and has me follow the light again. I know this routine now, already going through this before.

"Since Jasper brought you here and not to the hospital, I couldn't run tests on you."

"You don't need them." I under my breath, hoping they didn't hear.

"Yes, we do. Obviously, something is going on with your head, Janetta." He pushes.

"I don't need the tests," I say.

"I think I should take you to the hospital to run some, just in case." I'm mad now, and I just want to go home. I use the only thing I can think of that can get me home.

"I do not need the tests," I say, compelling him.

"She doesn't need the tests." Dr. Cullen repeats back. I feel the room fill with curiosity and shock. Damn, I guess that's the ability. To feel emotions.

"Can I please go home?" I ask, wanting to go home.

"We should keep you here for a little while. Make sure you don't faint again." Jasper says to me. I turn and look him in the eyes. I am not putting up with any more of this shit tonight.

"Take me home," I say, compelling him as well.

"I think I should take her home." He says back. I stand up, grab my bag and coat and instantly walk out the door of my room. I recognize the hallway and remember how to get out of here. I look at my phone and notice it's only 10:30. Plenty of time to get home. Also, I saw a missed call from Anna. Oh great.

I walk down the stairs, Jasper following behind, not saying a word. A perk of compulsion. When someone is acting upon the compelled action, they don't say much until it is completed. As I climb the stairs and walk through the living room, the rest of Jasper's siblings and Esme are staring at me. Rosalie is emitting those contempt vibes, along with the shock. Emmett and Edward are emitting confusion. Alice and Esme are also radiating confusion, shock, and worry.

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