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After school me and the girls went to the park we always go to.

E: Why are they here?
A: Who?

I turned around and saw Mattia and his crew. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

A: just ignore them.

We sat down and took out our juuls, drinks, and cigarettes. We were all chill till they came up to us. Alvaro went up to Elizabeth, Kairi went up to Katlyn, Alejandro went up to Isabel, and Mattia came up to me.

A: What?
M: Why do you smoke? It's bad for you.
A: You drink, that's bad too but no one says shit.
M: Why do you put on the baddie act? I know your soft inside.
A: Act? It's not an act bitch, I just learned my value and don't let boys like you play me.

Mattia chuckled and smirked.

M: Boys like me? How am I?
A: Do you need me to write it down for you? Your a fuck boy, it's simple. You play with girls.
M: How do you know that? You don't know me, you've never even hanged out with me so how would you know.
A: I've never hanged out with you because I can't stand you.
M: Then you should hang out with me one day Arianna.
A: *scoffs* no thanks.

Mattia looked at me up and down. I looked at him in disgust and chugged all the bottle of bear.

A: Girls Imma dip, tomorrow meet me at my apartment.
The girls: bet
M: Why don't you invite us too?
A: cuz I don't want you guys at my apartment.
M: *whispers* cmon princess invite us...
A: I said no, what don't you understand?

I said grabbing my keys and leaving. I put a hoodie on and went bed.

Once I woke up I went to the bathroom and showered. I put another hoodie on since it was Saturday and we didn't have school. I got a text from the girls saying they were outside so I unlocked my door and they came in.

E: bitch all you have in your fridge is beer and some sodas.
A: Yeah, whatever.
E: what do you eat?
A: I eat at fast food places and restaurants stupid ass.
E: *laughs*
I: Guys I invited the boys...
A: Isabel! Why would you do that? Ugh.

Isabel just smiled and a few minutes later I heard a knock.

K: Who's gonna get it?
A: I don't open doors for no bitches so if they don't open it to bad cuz I'm not opening it.

Elizabeth sighed and opened it. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cigarette. Mattia sat next to me on the couch and I took my phone out so I wouldn't have to talk to him.

M: Hey.

I ignored him and put my head phones on.

M: It's rude to ignore people.
A: I don't want to talk to you, If you guys need me I'll be in my room.

I stood up and went to my room. I closed the door and started changing into my pajamas.

M: Ari-
A: Get the fuck out!

I said changing quickly. Mattia just stood there smirking and looking me up and down.

A: pervert.
M: what did you call me?
A: P-E-R-V-E-R-T, pervert.

I said spelling it out for him. He scoffed and chocked me against the wall.

M: How about you drop the little attitude princess.

I pushed him away and slapped him.

A: don't ever touch me rat lookin ass.

Mattia chuckled and pushed me against the bed. He got on top of me and pinned my arms above my head. I turned us around so that I was on top and was about to punch him but everyone came in.

E: Damn I see you girl.
I: she getting dick
K: ayyy that's my puta
Al: the boyyyy
Ale: He getting pussy.
Kai: *laughs*

I got off of Mattia and looked at them in disgust.

A: we weren't doing anything I was about to punch him, he's being a pervert.

K: sureee
E: *laughs*

I rolled my eyes and kicked everyone out of my room but Mattia came back just to tell me this:

M: I'll make you mine, just watch princess.

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