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A: *baby voice* hi my precious babies.
Gi: *crying*
A: what's wrong prince?

I picked Gianluca and softly patted his back while he started crying harder. Mattia walked in quickly and looked at me worried.

M: what happened?
A: i don't know he won't stop crying. *baby voice* shh it's okay, mommy's here.

Mattia looked at Gianluca confused and took him away from me.

M: He seems fine...
A: I know, should we take him to the hospital.
Gi: *cries louder*

Gianluca looked over at Gabriel's crib and cried harder.

M: Check on Gabriel.

I walked over to Gabriel... he was pale...

A: Mattia! Gabriel- CALL AN AMBULANCE!

I started crying and picked Gabriel up trying to wake him up.


M/m: What happened?!
A: I don't know *cries harder* I checked on them and saw Gianluca crying a lot but I didn't know why until I checked on Gabriel.

Mattia hugged me tightly trying not to brake down too.

M/d: See this is why you should have never married her, she's so irresponsible! Gabriel is probably dead-

I said trying not to beat the fuck out of him right there.

M: leave, I only wanted my mom to come.
M/d: *scoffs* I hope he does die.

Mattia's dad said before leaving.

M/m: I'm so sorry Arianna...

She hugged me while Mattia paced frustrated.

Dr: Parents of Gabriel Polibio?
M: Yes?!
Dr: *sighs*

The doctor looked down and I shook my head trying to calm down.

Dr: There's nothing we can do, you can say your goodbyes tonight...
A: what?! No, no, no, my baby is alive, I know he is, your just not doing your job right!
M: Baby-
A: Shut up!

I said running to Gabriel's room. I walked in and saw his little body connected to all the wires...

A: I'm right here baby, don't leave me please, don't leave your brother.... wake up prince. Your not even a year old.... please wake up Gabriel.

Mattia walked in and glanced at Gabriel trying not to look at him.

M: Arianna, baby-
A: He's alive.
M: *sighs* It's going to be okay...

Mattia said patting my back softly.

A: I wasn't checking up on him, it's my fault. I'm his mom I'm suppose to keep him safe!
M: It's not your fault! How would we know, we were asleep.

I put my head down trying to calm down.

I heard a little giggle but I knew it was just in my head.

'A: Gabriel.
Gab: *😁*
A: Put it down Gabriel.
Gab: *giggles*'

I was suppose to keep you safe my sweet baby boy...

Dr: Excuse me but we will have to disconnect him in 30 minutes...

I shook my head looking up at Gabriel.

A: He's breathing.

The doctor looked at me confused and turned at Gabriel. He quickly checked his pulse and I saw as Gabriel slowly started moving and crying.

A: *smiles* my baby is alive!

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