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Mattia's POV

M: *sobs* and then I had plan about having a family with her. I even bought the apron that says '#1 dad'.

I said taking out a box filled with things that said 'best dad ever'. Luca looked at me surprised eating his chips.

L: Pink bro? Purple is better.
M: I know but there wasn't any left.

Luca nodded and looked through the box.

L: why is there seven pairs of shoes?
M: cuz we were going to have seven kids.
L: Seven?! How do you even know the genders?!
M: I don't that's why I got shoes for boys and girls.
L: *chuckles* I love you bro but it's like if you had everything planned without even asking her.

I looked at him like '😐' and he chuckled.

L: okay bro we'll look for her in Florida again but if we don't find her, you have to promise me your going to look for a new girl.
M: A new girl?🥺
L: yes Mattia.
M: fine...

Luca smiled and asked the maids to start packing my things. He pushed me into the bathroom and told me to get ready.


We got to our Airbnb and I looked at my room.

M: why the fuck is my room so bright?
L: *laughs* Let's go walk around and buy ice cream.
M: but-
L: shut the fuck up and let's go *girly voice* cmon whore!

I laughed and flicked him off and got my keys. We drove around and got to an Ice Cream shop. I saw Elizabeth and I quickly went up to her.

E: She moved far away.
M: Tell me where she is Elizabeth, please.

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