Chapter 1

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Italic means they are speaking Japanese

Yawning I splashed my face with water rubbing it in to wake up. "Eiji! It's time to go!" Quickly grabbing the towel next to the sink I washed my face off. "Ok! I'm coming!". Walking down the stairs it had finally hit me. Today's my first day at UA. I hope they like me. What if they don't.. oh no. "EIJI" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and saved myself from falling down the stairs.

It'd been 20 minutes before we finally got to the school, Ibe-san got out of the car first as I struggled with my backpack."Ei-Chan follow me, I have a person I need to meet before school starts." I nodded and closed the door to the car. We walked around the school to the back parking lot. After looking around we heard a man yell something. I looked to Ibe-san and he shrugged it off. "Shunichi!" Ibe-san turned around and looked towards the voice. "Max!" Ibe-San shouted back while walking up to the person and hugging them, I followed him akwardly. "I didn't know you'd be here so early!" He shouted, this man is really loud.. "Yeah, well, we thought it'd be best to come early." Ibe-San explained to Max "oh alright.. and wait who's?" He questioned breaking the hug and looking at me. "Hello! I am Eiji Okumura! Nice meet you!" I smiled at him hopefully he wont notice how bad my English is. "Hello, your quite cheery for this early in the morning.." Max said almost quizingly. "Heh, get that a lot.." I answered smiling nervously scratching the back of my neck. "so bright...." max muttered "Huh?" I titled my head in confusion.

*Insert school bell*
"I should head to class!" I said starting to walk away "Wait, Your in class 1-A right?" Max questioned "Yes, am why?" "I'm the home room teacher for 1-A, you can come with me." Max suggested with a kind smile. "Okay, Goodbye Ibe-San see you later!" I called walking away with Max. "Bye! Have fun!"

Once we finally made it to the class we could hear them all yelling and chatting through the door. Nervously I fiddled with my backpack strings, Max looked or to me and put his hand on my shoulder reassuringly. He opened the door and rolled his eyes. "Alright you brats settle down" max order, it took a few moments but everyone quieted down. "This is the transfer student from japan-," he said gesturing towards me "His name is Eiji. Be. Nice. Got it?" The class muttered a "yes sir" I shifted my weight from foot to foot nervously. "Alright then please go sit down over there" I nodded walking to the seat he pointed at and sat down, taking out my notebook and wrote down the things he wrote on the board. "Alright I'm to tired for this the rest of class is free time till lunch." The class cheered. But I just smiled while finishing my notes. "WOO!" A loud voice cheered. I jumped and looked over at the kid who shouted out. "Shut up Shorter!" The blond next to him hissed. I watched quietly as they continued to fight. "Hello! your Eiji right?" I blinked and turned my head to see the boy who is sitting in front of me had turned around to face me. "Yeah, That's me." I smiled to him.

After winning the fight with shorter, he sucks at winning verbal fights, we walked up to Skips desk, he was talking to the new kid. 'Should we scare them?' Shorter whispered to me. I stayed quiet, should we? I shrugged and flicked skips shoulder. "AHH-?" The hell? He stopped screaming half way and was now completely calm. "How'd you stop screaming half way?" Shorter asked skip poking him like an he was a dead animal or something. "I don't know I just suddenly felt really calm..." Shorter was about to speak again when the new kid interrupted him "That would be my fault.. sorry! You look scared and-I panicked- I'm sorry I did not mean to use quirk!" He kept nervously jumbling his words. "Hey Ei-Chan, What is your quirk?"skip asked "I can calm anyone or anything. Or I can make it/them sleep." Eiji explained a calming down and talking in almost a whisper, fiddling with his fingers. "Wow, that cool" Shorter said stuffing his hands in his pockets smiling.

Oh. My. God. This took an hour to make. I'm sure it's bad cause it's literally 1am. Anyway um- what do you guys think?
Dont worry younger me i fixed our mistakes😼- i think LMAO

 Anyway um- what do you guys think? Dont worry younger me i fixed our mistakes😼- i think LMAO

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A picture to help cure banana fish depression
Not my art

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