Chapter 4

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20 minutes later
Shorter was the first to wake up when he heard screaming.
(Quick thing if you didn't know lynx's actually scream so yeah..)
He looked at the lynx who was screaming/hissing at the teacher who had tried to wake the kids up. 'I should wake Eiji up' shorter thought as he turned back to his friends. "Eiji, guys wake up!" Shorter said while pushing and poking his friends. Eiji and skip woke up and stretched while ash stubbornly stayed asleep. "Wait what's goi- AS?!" Eiji yelled, which had started the sleeping lynx (ash). "Aslan! Off!" Eiji said now standing up and walking towards him. "I'm sorry max he's a bit overprotective of anyone he cares for."

The other boys behind Eiji all stood up or rubbed their eyes and stretched. "As go to Ibe-San please I'll meet you at home." Eiji said to the lynx who was licking Eijis hand and purring. "I'm going to ignore the lynx.. and ask, why I found all four of you sleeping out here?" Max looked at them sighing. "Welll... it's a long story.. heh heh.." skip said. Surprisingly the boys were let off with a warning and told to go find their dorms. (It's the 2nd month of school for everyone except Eiji cause it's still his first day....)

"Do you guys have roommates too?" Eiji asked looking over at his friends. "Yup! We all do!" Skip answered him. "What dorm you guys get? I got 4B" shorter questioned. Ash looked up from his phone which he was doing god knows what on and plainly said "3A" Eiji looked at ash and smiled playfully "well roomie I gotta warn ya.. I sleep a lot." Ash looked confused for a second then shook his head chuckling a little "I'd of guessed that from earlier when you just out of nowhere took a nap." Skip then butted in saying "I have 4B too!! And the dorms are right next to each other!" Shorter smiled and yelled "SLEEPOVERERRR!!" Everyone covered their ears as their loud friend screamed.

After unpacking, in the dorms
"You didn't have a lot of stuff huh?" Ash said looking over at Eiji. "Hm? Oh no I don't have lots of stuff anyway." Eiji said smiling. Eiji picked up the photo that was laying next to him and smiled sadly lightly tearing up. "Hey- Eiji are you okay?" Ash asked putting down his phone 'wait why do I care?' He thought. "Oh.. I'm- I'm fine, don't worry" he said smiling. Eiji looked up at ash and back at the picture a couple times, before saying


Hero's (Ash x Eiji) My hero AuWhere stories live. Discover now