Chapter 6

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Um sorry for all the time skips
Skip,Eiji,Shorter, and ash are all going to the park to hang out

At le park
"So now what do we do?" Shorter asked. "We never thought of something to do did we..?" Skip sighed and laid on the grown looking up at the sky. "Maybe I could.. nah" Eiji was muttering under his breath. Everyone was giving him a weird look because he was speaking Japanese. "Ok! I got it let's play soccer or maybe volleyball?" Eiji suggested. Shorter jumped up off the ground and playfully slap Eiji on the back. "*cough* ow" "Alright then! Let's play soccer!!" Shorter said loudly.
"Teams are me and Skip and ash and Eiji!"
An hour later
"We got our asses kicked.." skip said with a sigh, the score was 12:9. Eiji was smiling widely. "Hey why don't we all go get ice cream?" Ash looked at shorter and nodded. "Ok! Let's go then" skip and Eiji both started to run around waiting for the other two to get up.
After Ice cream
"That was actually pretty good" Eiji said wiping his mouth. "You literally inHALED your ice cream!" Skip said looking up at Eiji. Ash and shorter were quietly talking together. "What do you think they're talking about?" Eiji whispered to skip. "No clue... I have an idea" skip whispered back grinning largely.
Like 2 minutes later.
"Ok they're still not paying attention.. on 3 we run." Skip whispered "3" Eiji got into a running stance "2" ash and shorter were still talking to each other "3!" Skip yelled and like that they both toke off.
4 minutes later
"Hey wait where's skip and Eiji?" Shorter questioned looking around. "Is this why Skip yelled '3' a couple minutes ago?" Ash looked around using his quirk to heighten his sense of hearing. "SKIP, EIJI!!" Shorter yelled as loud as he could. Ash spotted what looked like a tuft of hair behind a small wall and walked around said wall and found skip and Eiji sleeping behind it. Ash waved to shorter to come over to him. "Awe they're so cute!!" Shorter said taking a picture of them. "Should we wake them up or carry them back to the dorms?" Ash Decided he was going to be nice and said "let's just carry them back, you take Skip I take Eiji." "Sounds good to me." Shorter said picking skip up.
Back at the dorms
Ash laid Eiji onto his bed, and sat down near the end of the bed on his laptop (*cough cough* hacking) Ash would occasionally glance at Eiji and smile.
20 minutes later
"Mmm *yawn*" "Morning kitten" ash said taking off his glasses and closing his laptop "how'd ya sleep?" "Good?" Eiji said sleepily slowly sitting up. Ash blushed a little, "what happen again?" Eiji asked rubbing his eyes "you and skip decided to run and hide from us" "oh yeah... ahaha... ha......" ash sighed and shook his head getting up, putting his laptop away. "It's already 9:50 so go back to bed. Tomorrow's Friday so you can stay up as long as you want then." Eiji pouted but yawn and laid back down. "Night Ash" "night kitten"

Ok look I know it's short I've been busy that's why it took so long anyway I just wanna explain why ash calls Eiji kitten, Ash calls him kitten because when they were younger Eiji would sleep in weird and uncomfortable looking positions. He would also nap a lot and then have lots of energy. Hope that explains it and no it's not kinky ok.? Plz don't take it that way.


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That's it the whole anime

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That's it the whole anime

That's it the whole anime

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Ok that's it stay safe lovely human beans ❤️🏳️‍🌈 happy pride 😌💅

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Ok that's it stay safe lovely human beans ❤️🏳️‍🌈 happy pride 😌💅

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