Chapter 11

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(That's my dog btw :3 and yes that is a slipper...)
"So where's ash..?" Eiji asked. Shorter gave a worried look as he thought of all the possibility's that his friend was in danger. " I- I have no idea Eiji..." he said with an unreadable look.

With ash
"What do you want..." ash snarled Glaring daggers. Then a voice spoke "what do I want?!" The voice laughed "I want revenge... Lynx" ash closed his eyes and scoffed smirking he replied "do you ever stop going on about your hands.. aruthur"

The end sorry it's so short-

Lol you thought
Sorry I really wanted to do that..

"I guess I don't huh?" Aruthur replied looking down at ash, who was very much tied to a pole and sitting on the floor like a dog 'AM NOT!!' 'OI DONT BREAK THE 4th WALL!!'
Ahem anyway as I was saying-

Ash looked up at aruthur basically challenging him to try and do something. Aruthur snarled "your lucky Dino told me not to hurt you..." ash looked at him with a victorious look. "Don't think you've won. I'm only letting you go because I have a better idea of getting to you.." Ash looked at Arthur confused. That's when it went black and he woke up in front of UA "ughh... what time is it." Ash got up and started walking to the school. "Eiji! Come back here!" Ash turned his head and sure enough Eiji was there running at him. "ASSHHHUU!" He yelled jumping onto his friend. "Ow! Eiji! What the hel-" ash stopped as soon as he saw Eiji was crying. "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" Eiji said hugging him closer. "Hey man.. where'd you go?" Shorter asked sitting down next to them. "An-" ash covered Eijis ears "-asshole named aruthur.. happened" shorter looked at him in surprise. Eiji just sat there on ash's lap tilting his head until it hit him- literally a ball hit his head. "Ouchieeee" he whined. Ash and shorter both glared at the unsuspecting kid. "A-ah! I-I'm sorry!" He said shaking violently and cowering away.. ash scoffed and asked Eiji if he was ok. "I'm fine ash" the boy laughed as he got up. Eiji helped ash up as shorter stood up. "Well I'm hungry let's go eat something!" Eiji said with a big smile. Shorter excitedly agreed, ash just nodded.
As they were walking to a restaurant ash leaned over to shorter "hey what time is it?"

Hero's (Ash x Eiji) My hero AuWhere stories live. Discover now