Chapter 14 and sorry

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The lynx nodded and jumped down to walk next to Eiji. Both boys looked at eiji with a glare (they heard him) "whys he so mean?" Shorter asked "probably to mask his pain" ash said shrugging ".... dude what the fuc-" "WE're here!" Eiji said covering shorters voice. Eiji sat down in front a tree and patted his lap. The lynx walked over and laid on him "don't we have school?" Shorter asked. Ash and Eiji looked at him. "Eh... oh well" Eiji said.

Hi... I don't know how to say this but... I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY!!! but I don't have the creative mindset to finish this book! Again I'm super sorry!!! But! I encourage you guys to write your own endings! If you do please tag me so I can read it ☺️ again I am so so so sorry I can't finish this book.... so I guess this is goodbye? T^T 😭😭

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