Chapter 8

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*btw that's my cat in the picture⬆️ he's fat... it's like it was meant to be saying as his name is pudgy*

Eiji has a cat and ran away {basically}

"EIJI!" Skip ran after Eiji. "We should follow...?" Ash only nodded to his friends idea and ran after the boys.

After finding Eiji, in the dorm
"No! You can't keep it!" Skip yelled at the pouting Eiji "Pleeeaaassseeee come onnnn.. I'll take care of him!" Eiji pleaded. Skip sighed and took the cat from him. "Nuuu!" Eiji was going to try to get the cat back but skip was already giving the cat to max.
{why's he there we may never know.. I honestly don't even know...?}
"Nu! My child! Skip whyyyy" Eiji "cried" "stop being dramatic it's just a cat!" Skip argued to the childish teen. "oh yeah ash I'm still mad at you" "what why?!" Shorter sat next to Eiji on the bed and ruffled his hair. "Come on little man tell us!" Eiji looked up at him and said....

To be continued in the next part

I'm kidding lol
"He made me believe today was Friday so I woke up early and had panicked a lot so yeah." "I thought it was Friday to why else would we be in uniform!" Ash said gesturing to his clothes. Shorter shook his head "you guys are weird anyway Eiji looks like he's gonna pass out. so, skip let's go, ash you can come if you want. Buh bye~" Eiji only yawned and waved. "You that tired kitten?" Ash asked closing the door. "Mhm.." Eiji hummed. Ash walked over to the bed and sat down. Eiji titled his head in confusion, Ash rolled his eyes and pulled Eiji into his lap. Eiji squeaked in surprise. "Aw that's cute" ash said chuckling in his ear. Eiji blushed hard and hid his face in his hands. "Alright, I'll let you sleep. Goodnight~" ash cooed nuzzling his face into the crook of Eijis neck kissing it some {to help him calm down}. Eiji eventually relaxed and feel asleep. {btw ash and eiji aren't dating. yet} ash set his head on top of Eijis and watched tv {yes there is a tv I'll explain their room later}.

1 hour later
Eiji yawned as he slowly woke up to ash's computer in his lap. "Whatcha doing?" Eiji asked looking up. "Oh your awake. Well I am currently hacking into the school security system." Ash explained not looking away from the screen. "And you're doing this why?" Eiji asked sleepily looking back at the screen. "For fun" ash said shrugging his shoulders. "Yes, because that's what people do for fun..." Eiji yawned again. Ash put his head back ontop of eijis and sighed. "Are you hungry?" He asked. Eiji nodded and moved the laptop so he could get up. "So.. what are we gonna eat?" Eiji asked looking back at ash. "How bout Pizza?" "Sure. Why not." Eiji said shrugging his shoulders.

After getting pizza
"Pizzas so cheap here." Eiji said getting a slice. "Really?" "Yeah in Japan it's like $20 a slice." Ash looked surprised. "Knock knock!" Eiji and ash both looked at the door. "It's open!" Eiji called. Shorter and skip walked in and sat on ash's bed. "You got pizza and didn't invite us?! I'm hurt!" Shorter exclaimed dramatically. Everyone one laughed at him as he pouted.

All four ate and laughed together until around 10:00 when skip and Eiji started getting tired.
"Alright me and skip are leaving, bye again." Shorter said picking up the half asleep skip. "Bye." Ash said cleaning up. Eiji offered to help but ash told him to sit on the bed. "Come on ash let me help." Eiji pleaded "no." Ash said with a stern look. Eiji sat on the bed and pouted. What was he gonna do argue? He was already half asleep.
By the time Ash finally finished cleaning up Eiji was already asleep.

Ok so I'm sorry it's short just really wanted to post! Ok anywayyyy! I am writing another fanfic! So please go check it out! I just posted the intro to it! Anyway thanks lovelies I hope you stay safe! Anyway here are you memes and pictures! 💖

Ok so I'm sorry it's short just really wanted to post! Ok anywayyyy! I am writing another fanfic! So please go check it out! I just posted the intro to it! Anyway thanks lovelies I hope you stay safe! Anyway here are you memes and pictures! 💖

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