Chapter 9

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By the time Ash finally finished cleaning up Eiji was already asleep.

Ash looked over at eiji and chuckled walking over to him. Eiji shifted in the bed and was facing the wall now. Ash ruffled Eijis hair, and sighed. "I'm sorry Eiji.." ash kissed his forehead and smiled sadly, walking out of the dorm.

The next day
Eiji shot awake and looked around the room. "W-where am I..?" He quietly questioned. Eiji slowly stood up walking to the door. 'Seriously what's going on?! Why's it so hard to breathe?!!' Eiji opened the door and looked out into the dorm hallway. 'W-what...?' Eiji turned around to see his dorm. 'B-but... I-it was pitch black... a-and the windows o-open to...' at this point Eiji had started panicking. 'W-where's a-ash..' Eiji looked around the room slowly falling to the floor. 'I-if not ash then..' "S-shorter!"

Shorter and skip where sitting in class waiting for the teacher to finish talking. Then the heard a scream. "S-SHORTER!" Shorter immediately shot up out of his seat and ran to the direction of the scream. When shorter got to the room he found Eiji in the corner struggling to breathe. "Eiji! Are you okay?" Shorter kept trying to get Eiji to respond if have to distract him but how....? Oh! Wait! Music!' Shorter pulled out his phone and headphones. "Hey.. Eiji? Wanna listen to music?" Eiji looked up and nodded. Shorter put an earphone in Eijis ear and his ear. Shorter then sat there with Eiji for 20 minutes.

20 minutes later
Eiji finally started to calm down and could breathe normal but he was extremely tired. "I- t-take nap..." was all he could muster before leaning on shorters shoulder and passing out. Shorter pat his head giving a small huff smiling. "Alright then.. guess I'm gonna take a nap too"

An hour later
(Sorry for so many time skips)
Shorter woke back up and yawned. Eiji groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "Morin'" shorter said laughing. "Mhmm.." Eiji hummed rolling his eyes. "Will you tell me what happen?" Shorter cautiously asked. "U-Um uh y-yeah.." Eiji explained how when he woke up the room was pitch black and the walls looked like iron and how it freaked him out because when he looked back everything was back to normal. "I guess it was because I had just woken up it didn't register? I don't know really could have been a quirk or something..?" Eiji guessed shrugging his shoulders a little. "But where's ash?" Shorter and skip looked at each other obviously worried...

"Shorter I would like to ask a favor of you.."

Ok! So I need your opinions should I write longer parts and not post as often or shorter parts and post more often? Please leave your opinions in the comments I would really like to know! Thanks reading lovelies! 💖 hope you have a good day!

I'm just gonna do meme of the day from now on

I'm just gonna do meme of the day from now on

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Awww how cuteee!!

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