Chapter 12

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"hey what time is it?" Shorter looked at his friend as if he had just asked what Obama's last name was. "Dude? Srsly?" "I told you I got kidnapped idiot! How am I supposed to know what time it is?!" Shorter stopped walking and said "oh duh- sorry brain fart?" Shorter offered slightly laughing "lets just go.." ash said turning around. "Its 12:30 btw" shorter said catching up to him.

The two boys finally caught up with eiji when he stopped in front of the famous Chinese restaurant named Chang Dai. "Shorter your sister works here right?" Eiji asked turning to look at him. "How'd you know that..." shorter asked with suspicion. "You'll see!" Eiji chirped before happily walking into the restaurant. Ash and shorter walked in after him looking at each other with confused looks. "Ei-Chan?" A voice called out. "Hi Miss Nadia!" Eiji replied smiling. Nadia came out from around the corner and picked Eiji up hugging him. Eiji laughed and hugged her back. "-s been awhile" Eiji said as he was let down. "It really has. Oh! Shorter, ash you're here too?" Nadia looked behind him to see the other boys. "Where's Skip?" She asked while pointing them to a table. "He said he wasn't feeling good" shorter said siting down. "So how do you guys know each other" Shorter asked. "Awe you don't remember me? Me and ash always came here to get food while I was in America" Eiji replied slightly pouting.

Sorry it's short I just wanted to post, I'm sadly going to be taking a little break because of school and toxic relationships I can't get out of... anyway I hope you guys are doing well see in about a week ^w^

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