Chapter 3

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The "long awaited" lol it's summer!! Yay!! That means I'll be posting more!! And please give me ideas on what to do, I tend to lose interest in things easily so it would be a big help thanks!! On with the story!!!

Eijis POV:
(It took me 20 minutes to calm down, max and Ibe-San let me eat my lunch in the classroom (still in the corner). )
"Eiji.." I looked up to Ibe "Max is going to go get the class lunch is over now, he says you can listen to music the rest of class" I nodded while sniffling (i was still kinda crying) "or you can take a nap.. I have to go here's your dorm number and key" he handed me a piece of paper that read 'dorm 3A' "you'll have a roommate.. I have to go now bye, I'll see you later" "goodbye Ibe-San.." I said while getting up and moving back to my desk and laying my head on it looking out the window. "Alright kids sit down.." I kept my eyes on the cat I had saw while the class sat down. Silence
"Ok class we are going to- hm? Yes Eiji?" "May I use the restroom?" I asked now looking at him. "Oh sure go ahead, but you need someone to go with yo-" "I can go with him" skip said raising his hand "ok go ahead"

In the hall way
"Are you okay ei-Chan?" "Yea.. I'm better now thanks.." we reached the bathroom, "I also have to go to the bathroom sooo... if I get out after will you wait for me..?" Skip asked kinda quietly scratching his cheek with his finger. "Of course!" I said with a smile.

"Okayyy! Back to class.." skip said sadly. "Who said we had to go back?" I said he looked shocked then started smiling. "Come on! Let's go do something fun!" I said smiling, "Yeah!! I know just the place!" He said as he started skipping out of the bathroom. I followed him and asked "where we going?" "You'll just have to see!" He said. "Where are you two going" we turned around. "Run!" I yelled to skip, he started running and I ran after him. "Get back here you two!!" Max yelled after us, we started laughing as we turned the corner.

Back at class
"Alright class I need someone's help.. Eiji and skip are trying to skip class." The whole class either raised their hand or giggled. Except ash he was quiet. Shorter noticed this and decided they both were going to look for them so he volunteered the both of them to go find the "runaways". Ash looked at him with a scowl "who said I wanted to" he spat "too bad!!" Shorter exclaimed while trying to pull ash with him key word trying. "Come on ash it'll be an adventure!!" Shorter whined pulling at ash "fine!" Ash said standing up and walking to the door "let's go idiot!" "Yessir!!" Shorter laughed following him down the hallway. "Where do you think they went?" Shorter asked looking around "it's skip shorter where do you think" ash said with a sigh rubbing his temples. "Oh! That's right his fav tree!" Shorter said pointing his finger up, and starting to walk. "Please just say favorite- hey! Wait up!" Ash called running after him.

"Woah that's a big tree!" Eiji looked at the tree admiring it. "I know right it's the biggest tree here!! Come on let's climb it!!" Eiji and skip started to climb the tree (Eiji is halfway up while skip is near the bottom of the tree) when they heard someone calling them from bellow, "HEYYYY!!" They looked down, it was shorter and ash. "COME ON BACK DOWN!!" shorter yelled up at them (using his quirk), while ash covered his ears slowly back away from him. Eiji looked at the branch he was on then back down to where now stood skip, shorter, and ash. "I.. I'm.. stuck.." he said quietly. "WHAT WAS THAT?" shorter yelled back. "IM STUCK!! I CANT GET BACK DOWN!" Eiji yelled back and then covered his face. "He's like a cat in a tree he climbed up real fast but now he ain't got a clue on how he gonn get down.." skip said. Ash sighed and climbed up the tree a little and pulled Eiji onto to the branch he was on by his feet Eiji let out a yelp. "Do I need to pull you all the way or can you jump down yet?" Ash said calmly. "I- I c- can jump the rest the way" Eiji said quietly as he started to inch off the branch. "Alright then meet you down there" ash said, then jumping off and landing on his feet. Eiji jumped down after him, he fell on his butt. Skip and shorter started laughing, until skip suddenly stopped and started looking around. "What's up skip?" Ash asked him also looking around a little . "I hear an animal growling?" Skip said still looking around. "Oh!" Eiji exclaimed getting up and brushing his pants off "As (pronounced Az) Come here!" Eiji called, and out of the bushes came running a c- "IS THAT A LYNX!!" Skip yelled "um yes? Why?" As looked at skip eyes narrowed and let out a sort of yowl and climbed on Eijis shoulders (he's a smaller lynx). "He's said some pretty mean things..." skip said looking at the lynx who was currently licking Eijis face. "You can understand him?" Eiji asked eyes sparkling with amazement. "Yeah kinda?" He replied looking away shyly "Cool!! Could you um tell me if he uh.. well.. knows where I left my pillow...?" Eiji asked smiling awkwardly "he's says your an idiot and that you left it with.. ebe?" "Oh, so I did leave with Ibe-sa- *yawn*" The lynx huffed in response to his yawn the lynx then jumped off his shoulders and walked to a wall and then laid down looking at eiji and looking at the spot next to him. When he sluggishly walked over the lynx got up and waited for him to sit. Eiji put his back to the wall and slid down until he was sitting and then helped the lynx into his lap. "Night as... lan..." Eiji said slowly falling to sleep as the lynx had started purring. Ash's eyes had widened at the name. "The lynx it's... helping him fall asleep by purring.. like singing him a lullaby" skip explained, "awe they're sooo cuteee!" Shorter whispered. "If we wake Eiji the lynx will probably come after us, he seems protective of Ei-Chan" skip said. Shorter sighed "I guess we don't haveee to go back to class.." All 3 boys then decided to walk over to Eiji and lay against him as he was using his quirk (without knowing), which made them all fall asleep 'huddled' together.

Please tell me what you think was it to much to little? Idk plz let me know 😅 was the lynx a little to much?

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