Chapter 2

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Eiji POV:
"So What's your names?" "I'm shorter! And that's ash!" Shorter answered. I smiled and told them my name. "Ei-Chan" Ibe-San called from the front of the class "you mind coming up here me and max need to talk to you" I smiled and nodded "Sorry, Ill be back in a minute!" I told skip.

"Yes Ibe-San?" (Everyone's looking at us) "I forgot to give you your lunch.." "oh? Thank you!" I smiled "I can't tell him!" Ibe-San exclaimed "He'll have a panic attack!" (Max looked at Ibe) "Why would he have a panic attack?" Max asked (everyone started listening closer)

"His quirk has a couple downsides such as, he has heightened anxiety and he gets paranoid very easily, he also has like a voice in his head that makes him panic more, if that makes any sense." I nodded as Ibe-San talked, what he was saying was true. "That's not good.." max said "Ok I'll tell him" Max sighed Ibe-San looked a little shocked but let him continue.

"Eiji your parents and little sister died in a car accident today.."

"W-wh- what?" I started tearing up and took a step back. "Y-you- your j-jo-joking ri-right?" He shook his head 'no' with a sad look. I don't know what to do my whole family- panic no no I don't need to panic It's going to kill you next no no it's not yes it is, trust me when have I been wrong? I- what if it is..!? I struggled lightly grabbing my throat. "Ei-Chan!" I- I cant hear anything everyones looking at me.. stop looking at me... hide... I quickly pointed to the corner and  ran to it breathing heavily and crying.

No ones POV:
"That's why I didn't want to tell him.." Ibe said sadly as he walked over to Eiji. "Is there anything that could help calm him down" max asked feeling guilty for making Eiji panic like that. "There is only one person is this world that could fully calm him down.." Ibe answered "But.." Ibe sighed and continued looking at down frowning "They've been 'missing' for years now. Music can help him though that's why he has the headphones in." Ash studied Eiji for a little bit before accidentally blurting out "Kitty?"
Eiji immediately looked up at ash tears still running down his face.
Ring ring ring
Eiji began panicking again and hid his face again because of the lunch bell. "Ok class go to lunch me and Ibe will handle Eiji." Max said to the class.
Everyone one walked out the door to go to lunch, all but ash. Ash just stood in front of the door looking at Eiji. 'Why does he seem so familiar?' He thought to himself as he walked out the door to lunch.

End chapter
So I may or may not have made ash and Eiji childhood friends...

Eiji and Ash don't recognized each other
Ash calls him kitty because Eiji took naps ALOT and would "purr" and lay on his lap while sleeping 👌🏻😩

Ash has changed because he was well used by Dino... and had "escaped" a few months ago and ash's voice got a little deeper.

Eiji also changed because now he's more panicie than he was and a lot quieter, Eijis voice got softer.

They're all like 16 and 17 so yeah.
Ash is older than Eiji in this by a year. (Eijis 16)

Hero's (Ash x Eiji) My hero AuWhere stories live. Discover now