Chapter 13

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First- IM SORRYYY I don't mean to make you guys cryyy!!! 😖 second- I'm trying to reply to everyone's comments so, sorry if I takes awhile for me.

"Awe you don't remember me? Me and ash always came here to get food while I was in America" Eiji replied slightly pouting. Shorter laughed and pointed at the picture on the wall of all three of them. "I was only kidding!"  "Alright what do you guys want to eat?" Nadia asked. All three order and talked to each while they waited for the food. "Here's your food" Nadia said as she handed them the food. Shorter and Eiji smiled and thanked her. Ash said thank as well but had a blank look.

After eating
Ash was first to stand up so he had to clean up for them. "So I had to clean up why?" Ash said as the three boys walk back to the campus. "You stood up first" shorter said. Ash looked at him and said "Don't you mean the last person to stand." Ash said knowing very well that shorter stood last. Shorter shook his head and started bickering with ash. Eiji only sighed and walked faster trying to get back. On the wall was as the lynx following behind Eiji. Eiji looked up at him and whispered "If anyone asks their following us and we don't know them."  The lynx nodded and jumped down to walk next to Eiji.

I'm sorry it's so short!
Watch the last chapter it's ash saying "that's how the kitten would have to our story anyway...."
ok I'm making myself cry...

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