Chapter 4. Republic Senate

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Satine stood in her pod. The entire Republic Senate has been called for a meeting on the behalf of Mandalore under the her request.

Although she had done this many times before, Satine felt nervous. She looked over to Padmé's pod next to hers. The Senator gave her a reassuring nod, then Satine turned her eyes from her friend back to everything that was in front of her. She took one last deep breath, and then she was off.

The pod flied over to the middle of the room. "Senators," the Duchess started. "I am here to ask aid from the Republic. My planet has been taken over by the crime families, and I need help to take it back."

Silent whispers spread across the room. As the Chancellor, Palpatine reminded her, "Excuse me Duchess, but you have announced multiple times that Mandalore will stay neutral in this war, surely we can't help you in this take over."

Senator Orn Free Taa then joined in, his pod flying closer to the middle. "Duchess, a take over would also go against your pacifistic views." More whispers in the Senate arose.

Satine sighed. She knew this meeting would lead to them talking about her stance and her beliefs. Her belief in pacifism itself has made her a controversial figure among the traditionalist Mandalorians, which, of course, led to a bloody civil war once she took over.

"A Sith is in control!" she exclaimed. The Senators began to worry. They have heard about Sith, sworn enemies to the Jedi, and thus the Republic as well. Furthermore, Dooku is a Sith as well, at least from what they have heard. Palpatine realized that all of this is the work of his former apprentice. An unamused look took over his face.

The Duchess looked around the room. She was hoping that a Jedi would be present, but none are. Well, she thought to herself. Looks like I have no backup.

"I am sure you all know the Sith as the enemies of the Jedi," she said. "Then that means the Jedi would like to capture this Sith, and maybe bring the war to an end!"

The Chancellor himself spoke up. He knows his goals, and he intends to achieve them. "The Jedi do not have authorization to choose where the Republic army would go and do missions."

Satine and Palpatine stared at each other. His face is sickening, and hers is annoyed.

"I suggest we stop this meeting," Mas Amedda intterupted. "It is clear that the Duchess won't change her mind over her stance, and so Republic interference is impossible."

Palpatine took the chance given. "Well then, I assume there's nothing else to discuss," he presumed. He then announced,"This meeting is closed."

The other Senators took this as their cue to leave. Orn Free Taa's pod fly back to its original position. Padmé stared at her friend, hoping she wouldn't just give up.

Satine looked down to her feet. She can't give up on Mandalore, not like this. She knew from the begining that there's only one way to get what she wants, and she's not sure to give everything up for it. Should I do it? Sacrifice the peace I have fought for years so that there's a chance of a better future? The thought spinned in her head as the Senators stood up to leave the room.

The Duchess sat on the seat available in her pod with defeat. She then noticed that a message was sent to her Holo projector. She turned it on and her sister appeared. "Satine, Maul had killed Almec and around thirty civilians," The message ended and Satine's eyes went wide in worry and shock. What is he doing to my people?!

"Wait!" she called out. The others who already started to walk away turned back. "I will reinstate Mandalore's position in this war," First she got the other's attention, now she has their interest. Hundreds of Senators from different planets sat back on their seat to listen.

Satine regrets her decision almost immediately, but it was the only way. "I am against of war, and I intend to keep my opinion. But the situation couldn't be more worse. I have a message from my ally back in Mandalore as evidence."

She turned on the message again, but this time, the entire Republic Senate could see it. A hologram of Bo-Katan appeared on every pod and a giant one in the middle of the room. The message repeated. "Satine, Maul had killed Almec and around thirty civilians."

Worried looks was evident in the faces of the Senators of the Republic. Unlike the people surrounding him however, Palpatine instead smiled. Things have gone the way he intends.

The Duchess of Mandalore turned off the message. She then proceeds to continue. "Mandalore will join the Republic in the war. I hope by doing so, this monster could be captured, and peace shall be restored back to the galaxy as soon as possible."

"Well then," Palpatine replied. "We will hold a vote right now if a Siege should happen for Mandalore's sake," he announced.

The Senators voted from the machine available from their pod. If they press the green button, they agree. If they press the red button, they disagree.

Satine waited anxiously as the other Senators voted. She looked around the room and a certain someone took her attention. Obi-Wan. He must've come just by now. The Jedi Master was standing in an empty spot in the room. He smiled at her and she smiled back. 

Mas Amedda received the vote results and handed then over to the Chancellor. Palpatine looked at it and the results were just as he expected. "It is settled, Mandalore has joined the Republic's side in the Clone Wars, and we will help them take back their planet!" he announced.

Thunderous applause can be heard echoing in the room. Satine released her breath, knowing that she won. She looked back at Padmé who's clapping her hands. She then turned her gaze towards Obi-Wan. He looked back at her smiling.

Author's note:
I put a meme in this chapter

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