Final Author's Note

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Sooooooo yeah it is done. Now the big question: a sequel? In which I say...

Yeah that's right, no sequel. It ends here in a sad note that I've planned from the very beginning HAHAHAHHAHAH *cries*

Anyways yeah I can't believe it is done. Revenge is the first fanfiction I published as I have actually written another Obitine fanfic that's fluff and not sad. It is sad and with a heavy heart, I ended it.

(Fun fact: the name of the draft in which I write Revenge is called "Obitine fanfic, draft cause I'm too lazy to actually write it" and it have different chapter names and a 5 part chapters for the Siege)

Ok but seriously I'm the more I think about it, the more I consider making a sequel. I have a vision in mind of what it would be about cause there's a lot of loose ends that I left dangling for your imagination and I do actually put in a little tease in case I ever go through with this. I'll let you guys know later when I made up my mind but even if I do, it won't come out until like 2 months cause school and I'm waiting for Mando season 2 to finish first, I need more information about the Mandalorian purge.

Other than that, I am also planning an Anidala/Vadala AU where Padmé doesn't die (man I love writing *insert character* doesn't die AUs). But I am taking a little break from writing as school is taking a lot of my schedule as you can see on how I went from updating once every 3 days into once a week into once every 2-3 weeks. So no new things from me until like November or December.

I want to thank you guys so much for sticking with me until the very end. I am eternally grateful for all the votes and comments you guys gave. Seriously those comments of hoping that no one will die and your reaction to Satine's fake death is the absolute best to read.

My dreams of reaching 1k and 5k readers and reaching #1 in Obitine can't be achieved without your support and help. I have a great time talking to you through the comments and private message. Through this I also found some people I consider as my Wattpad/online friends. If anyone is following along but doesn't comment or anything like that, please do (if you're comfortable of course) as I want to be able connect with you guys.

Talking about people, here are a few who I want to give a special shout-out:
- mingbreadi
You vote for all of my chapters even though you've never watched or cared about Star Wars

- Iamthesenate66501212
My best friend/bro that I always go to when I need an opinion for a potential story line

- PixilatedDuckie
You were the first person (who I didn't know in real life) to write a comment and encourage me to keep writing and I'm super grateful for it

- Rotten_Slytherin & GreyJedi_Knight11
You guys were the first people I constantly interact with and I'm grateful for the constant comments you keep giving me throughout the chapters

- General606 & OwenC13
I had too much fun talking with you guys to not make it in the cut

I'm so sorry if I don't mention your name. I have way more people who I want to mention but I don't want to make this longer than what it already is so please forgive me.

So once again thank you. I'll hopefully see you another time.
Lots of love, Heb

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