Chapter 6. Temple Bombing Part 2

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~ The Jedi Who Knew Too Much

Both Padmé and Satine attended the funeral. Yoda gave a memorial speech just before the bodies of the fallen Jedi were lowered down to their final resting place.

The funeral reminded Satine about the time Obi-Wan had faked his death, and that she attended his "funeral". She remembered how she weeped, and that Padmé was there beside her, trying to calm her down. A month after that when Obi-Wan came back from the dead, Satine was so angry at him she almost slapped him.

After the funeral, everyone were permitted to leave the Temple. Padmé left the place with Satine, Senator Mon Mothma, and Senator Bail Organa. The four talked about the recent events that had happened in the Jedi Temple.

"I think the Seperatists are behind this attack," the Senator from Chandrila said, expressing her opinion. Satine agreed to her, "I do think so as well."

"There's still no evidence for their involvement as far as I know," Bail argued. "We should wait until the investigators say something about this attack."

"Actually," Padmé spoke as she remembered something. "I think the Seperatists are not involved at all."

Mon raised her left eyebrow. She questioned her, "How do you know?"

"A friend of mine gave me a little information."

That friend of hers is of course her husband, Anakin Skywalker. If there's one thing the Hero With No Fear sucked at doing, it's keeping secrets. He blurted it out the last time they met, which was actually yesterday. She chuckled, remembering those little moments.


"Lastly, a reminder to speak to Council Mendenteli about his whispers that Naboo is planning to side with the Seperatists. I will not have him spreading rumors," Padmé told one of her handmaidens through her comm.

Just as she finished, the doors to her office opened to reveal Anakin, angry as ever. He came into the office, but still keeps distance between him and her desk. Instead of looking at Padmé, Anakin instead looked down to the floor. His hands were curled up into a fist.

"Anakin, what's wrong?" Padmé asked, worry evident in her tone. He raised his head and answered her question. "The Republic Army is holding Ahsoka for murder!" He then added, "And they won't let me see her!"

"You can't be serious!" Padmé spoke up as she stood up from her seat. She was just as shocked as Anakin was. This is outrageous, the Senator thought. She started to walk towards Anakin all the while still speaking. "Who are they saying she murdered?"

Anakin answered her question as he walked towards her as well. "The woman responsible for the bombing of the Jedi hangar, Letta Turmond," he said bitterly. Anakin stopped walking and looked back down.

Padmé asked another question. "Have you talked to Admiral Tarkin about this?" She placed her right hand on Anakin's left cheek and slowly leads Anakin's face to look at her.

"I tried to," Anakin admitted. "But he won't speak with me."

"I'll see how the Senate feels about this," Padmé confidently told him. "If the military seized her, the directive must've come from the Senate." She's as determined to help Ahsoka as her husband is.

Padmé placed her head in Anakin's chest and hugged him. She closed her eyes as she did what she did. Anakin rested his head on top of hers, although his facial expression still screamed anger.

Anakin was bitter, really bitter. "I can't believe they wouldn't even let me speak to Ahsoka!" he complained. "She probably thinks I turned my back on her."


Padmé wanted to bring up the topic about Ahsoka in the Senate meeting, but there was no time. The entire meeting was about the funds for the Republic civilians that needed help. Unfortunately, some Senators - those who seems sketchy - oppose the funds and there was a debate. The meeting lasted for around 4 hours until it finally ended, and when it does, the Senators are already tired. It's 11 in the night after all.

Still, Padmé wanted to bring it up, so she decided to go to the leader of the Republic itself, Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine was a Senator from Naboo like her, just before he came into office as the Chancellor. Although Padmé grew suspicious of him more and more each time, she must do something.

The Senator made her way to the office of the Chancellor. The doors opened and Palpatine is sitting on his seat, looking through files in his desk. He noticed Padmé came in and immediately turn his attention to her.

"My dear Senator Amidala," he welcomed her. "Chancellor," she replied. Padmé sat down in front of Palpatine's desk.

"What has brought you here at this time?" he asked her with a friendly voice. "It's pretty late I must say, I thought everyone's already at home."

"I could ask you why are you still here as well," she asked back, giggling a little. Palpatine sighed as he glanced over his works. "These reports won't finish it self," he complained.

"Well, I'm here to talk about Ahsoka Tano," Padmé told him, back to the topic. Palpatine furrowed his brows and stroked his chin. "Ahsoka... Tano?"

"Yes, Knight Skywalker's Padawan," she explained, trying to make him remember the Togruta. It seemed to work as his face returned back to his normal expression. "Ah yes, I remember now," Palpatine said. "She is now under custody I believe."

"That's why I'm here, to talk about her case," Padmé explained. "What is this accusation based of? And why is her Master not allowed to talk to her?"

Padmé's face turned sour. The Chancellor of the Republic tried to answer her question. "I am not in charge of the case my dear," he said disappointedly.

"I have entrusted Admiral Tarkin with the case. I gave him permission to do anything that needs to be done to catch the culprit."

Padmé became disappointed. If the Senate has nothing to do with it, then there's nothing more she could do, at least for now. "Thank you Chancellor," she politely thanked him. She stood up and left the office.

~ To Catch a Jedi

Satine sipped her tea from her mug and place it on the table, right next to her hologram device. She's in a call with her sister. Bo-Katan is at the other side of the galaxy currently, so it was the only form of communication available.

"Reinforcements from the Republic will come a bit delayed than we anticipated," Satine told her sister. Disappointment can be seen on her face.

Bo-Katan is a furious. "We've already give up our neutrality, why won't they send the army now?!"

Satine exhaled. She explained, "There's a bombing in the Jedi Temple, and the Jedi involved in it are those who are assigned to take back Mandalore."

"Can't they find another Jedi?" the younger asked in irritation. Satine only shook her head. She took another sip from her tea and placed it back.

"How's Korkie?" Satine asked, trying to change the topic into a lighter one. Bo looked to her left before looking back at her sister. "He's fine. A bit sloppy in fighting, but a good effort."

Satine rolled her eyes. Of course Bo will teach their nephew how to fight. Bo saw her rolling her eyes and smirked. "There's nothing you can do to stop it," she said in a victorious voice.

"Where is he?" she questioned. Satine haven't met her nephew for quite some time now. The last time they met was the first failed rescue attempt to get her out of prison around a month ago.

Korkie then appeared on the hologram. He waved at Satine, and she waved back. "Hi auntie! Aunt Bo here is teaching me how to properly shoot with a gun."

The Duchess's eyes widened. "Bo!" she called out, but her younger sister only laughed. Satine frowned. "I'm not letting you take care of him ever again."

Author's note:
Fun fact, the scene with Anakin and Padmé talking in her office is actually adapted from a deleted scene from the episode (it was never made clear who was spreading the rumors so I just wrote what I think she said).

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