Chapter 13. Showdown on Concordia

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Author's note: So my English sucks in this chapter. I constantly mix up past and present tense lol. Welp, English isn't my first language anyways (it's Mando'a). Also it's 5000+ words which is the longest chapter I believe. More notes later.

Tension. Everyone felt tension. Days have passed by since their defeat at the hands of Maul, and now, they're ready to be the one emerging victorious.

Bo-Katan stood straight beside Clone Captain Rex and Clone Commander Cody, watching over the hangar. According to plan, they will be leading the main attack against Maul's Mandalorian warriors. As the alarm blaze through the hangar, clones hurried to get into their assigned gunships. The total of men coming into this battle are much more than their previous number.

As the sun began to set on Concordia, Bo-Katan promised to herself, Maul will lose today. And she, alongside everyone else, will see another sunrise. They're going in during the night. Hopefully the darkness will be able to give some cover to Anakin and Obi-Wan. Putting on her helmet, she made her way to a Republic gunship.

The three authority figures will be riding different gunships, just in case. The doors of the ships closed off, and the pilots slowly control the ship into going outside of the Cruiser.

"This is Cody," he called out through their comm. "I am ready to enter the moon Concordia now, over." The next to spoke up was Rex. "Copy that, Rex here, ready as well, over." Bo took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Her heart beat louder more than ever. It was now or never. She pressed a button and said, "Kryze, let's finish this."

The gunships flew down towards the lush green moon of Concordia. The moon itself was more habitable than Mandalore, with trees and grass covering every inch of the moon. It was night time, so the ships turned on their lights. Although it did gave away position, the Mandalorians waiting for them already knew they were coming anyway.

With the large factory coming into view, Rex tensed up. Ahsoka, whom he considered as family, is inside of there, waiting to be rescued. Inhaling some air, Rex gave the order. "Start the bombing."

The pilots heard him through their headsets. They pressed a red button and with that, bombs dropped down from the ship and into the ground. It managed to kill off a lot of warriors, but their numbers are still a lot by no means. The factory itself is still standing strong. It wasn't their target anyways.

The ships lowered down to the land below, around a half kilometer away from the base in an open land. The moment it landed, everyone, clones and Mandalorian rebels, ran off the ship and head into the forest surrounding their landing area. They're planning to bait Maul's Mandalorians into being the one attacking, so that they could ambush them. Their ultimate plan was to use their own tactics against them. It has been proven effective before, so why not again?


Korkie was asleep and Ahsoka was wide awake. It has been three days, at least that's what she thinks how long has it been. Maul continued to visit them every now and then in those last few days. If either of them did not comply or gets him annoyed, he would give punishment. Ahsoka tried to kept her mouth shut, but she struggled. That is what ultimately brings her to her current situation, weak and tired from all the electrical shock she had received.

A loud boom was suddenly heard from the outside. Ahsoka's heart began racing instantly. What's going on? She took some short breaths, trying to calm herself down. That loud noise also awaken Korkie. He looked around the room first before asking, "What was that noise?"

"I also have no clue," she answered. The locks made a noise, signaling that someone is opening it. It catched their attention and the two stared at the door, anticipating the Zabraks. Sure enough, the two entered the room.

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