Chapter 26. Past Failures

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Obi-Wan sat on the sand, overlooking the twin suns setting. Tatooine is known for its beautiful binary sunset and the former Jedi Master see why now. The last time he visited Tatooine, he had to deal with Jabba. It was also daytime, which means he couldn't see the sunset.

As the howling desert winds blows to his face, he unlocked another memory of his. Around 13 years ago, when he visited Tatooine and for the first time, he met Anakin. Anakin....

The name filled his mind in an instant. The little boy he trained, the headstrong and, well, whiny Padawan who won't stop annoying him, the good mentor with questionable teaching methods, the General who rarely lost a bettle, the over caring man. All those good times were washed away completely when he decided to join Palpatine.

And though he could blame it to anyone, even the man himself, Obi-Wan could only find one person to truly blame for all the darkness that fell upon the galaxy, himself.

The look upon his face when he silently begged him to spare him, to save him from the fire that's consuming him, it was a sight to never be forgotten. And though his heart screamed for him to save the man he considered his brother, Obi-Wan did nothing but watch as the anger and hatred doubled in the now twisted young man.

Shaking his head abruptly, Obi-Wan forced himself to snap out of his memories. "I'm sorry Anakin," he muttered underneath his breath. "I'm sorry for not being able to stop you from turning."

Tears trickled from his eyes. The thought of losing Anakin made him remember the other people he lost. Qui-Gon, Ahsoka, Padmé, the Jedi Order, and now Satine. He thought by pushing her out of the narrative, she would be safe. Wrong, she died anyways.

The small tears went became a sob. The lonely, slowly aging man cried alone on the desert of Tatooine as the suns disappeared out of view.


Obi-Wan looked up immediately. He looked around in fear that someone has found him and figured out his real name. Instead, he found no one.

Confused, he furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his forehead. "I think I'm going insane."

"Obi-Wan," the voice called again.

The former Jedi looked up again, eyeing his surroundings for anyone. He jumped on his feet and took a somewhat defensive position. "Who is there?" he demanded an answer.

"Did you forget what Yoda have told you?" the voice said again.

Obi-Wan tried to remember his last encounter of the Grand Jedi Master.
"An old friend has learned the path to immortality."

His eyes widened as he realized who is he hearing. "Qui-Gon!" He is more than happy to hear his former Master, especially in a dark time like this. "Yes, my old apprentice," the voice confirmed. Just then, the man appeared physically, with blue light framing his body.

A smile crept up his face. The last time Obi-Wan had seen his old Master was when he was at Mortis. He never saw him again. He slowly approached to ghost, slightly not believing that he's actually there.

"Obi-Wan," he said. "Why do you look hopeless? Dwelling on the past does not do anything."

Obi-Wan looked down in shame. "I'm sorry Master," he apologized, "I just couldn't help it." He sighed, trying to take in all that had happened. "I tried as best as I could and yet, I.."

"Failed," Qui-Gon finished. His apprentice nodded shamefully. "And now, that Skywalker boy is the Galaxy's best hope, but I'm not sure if I can train him well."

Qui-Gon smiled. "Failure is the greatest teacher, Obi-Wan," he said. "You know his father, you trained him. Do not dwell, reflect. Reflect on your failures in teaching his father and fix yourself to be the better mentor for the boy."

Obi-Wan nodded, understanding what his Master is saying. "I will try Master," he promised. Qui-Gon's smile widened. "Remember, a son isn't the same person as his father," he added.

The two smiled at each other but the moment was interrupted when a sound came from inside his home. Obi-Wan glanced to his hut before looking back at Qui-Gon. "Are you going now?" he asked. The force ghost shook his head. "I have a feeling you'll need my opinion for that noise."

Obi-Wan nodded and rushed to his home with Qui-Gon behind him. He took his transmitter from the table and opened it. What he saw next was something he never thought he would see again in at least 10 years.

The hologram of Darth Vader came into view. The shell of Anakin Skywalker. He looked more like a machine now than man. And from the stories he had heard from the cantina of Mos Eisley, he knew that his humanity had turn into nothing but ashes.

"Obi-Wan," the hologram said. "It may surprise you, if you even look at the news, but I have Satine."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened. "S-Satine is dead," he stuttered. "She couldn't be alive."

Qui-Gon observed the living man. He always knew that he had a somewhat romantic relationship with the Duchess of Mandalore. The times during their 1 year on the run, Qui-Gon had turn a blind eye towards the two. He knew that Jedi aren't supposed to be attached to anyone, yet he felt like that the Force had brought them together for a reason. And unlike his fellow Jedi peers, Qui-Gon believed more in the Force than in the code.

"You may not believe me, but I will send you a video to make prove it. Come to Mustafar, to my Fortress, by a week. If not, then she'll die for real this time."

The transmission ended and Obi-Wan hurried to open the attached video. His heart is racing as the thought of Satine being alive was the only thing he could think of. He can't imagine what she had endured in being forced to pretend as if she died. He's not even sure that Vader is telling the truth, though deep down he knew it.

Shakily, he opened the video and a recording of Satine crying in a cell came up. Her hair is messy, her clothes are tattered in some parts. He couldn't really see the details on her face through the hologram but he knew she has small bags under her eyes.

The sight of Satine like that broke his heart. But her being alive means one thing, he could still save her. He could undo at least one of his failures, but at what cost?

"Saving her is too risky, and it could very much cost your life," Qui-Gon answered as if he could read his mind. Obi-Wan turned around to face the Force ghost. "But I can't just leave her to die in his hands!"

"If you go there, terrible things will happen and you know it," he said again. "It's obviously a trap and she's the bait," he stated. Qui-Gon looked down in sadness. "I don't want her to die as well, but if you go and you die in the process, then there will be no one to one day train the Skywalker boy."

Obi-Wan sighed in confusion. If he decided to go and rescue Satine, there might be a chance for him to save her, and perhaps a chance in a better life, together. But the consequences of him leaving are that he could very much die, and if he did, Vader won't have any reasons to keep Satine anymore and he'll surely kill her. Another thing is that no one would be able to train Luke.

And yet, if he didn't go, sure he would be safe and he could train Luke when he's readtg, but the guilt of allowing Satine to die in the hands of Vader will kill him as her blood would somewhat be in hands as well.

"I won't try to stop you from whichever decision you choose Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said. "But you must know the consequences of your actions, and how it could very much effect the whole galaxy."

Author's note:
Hahaha cliffhanger. Yes, I only update once a week now basically. My schedule is super full. Hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently soon.

I accidently wrote a Hamilton lyric in this (though I have never watched it). It's not a reference but you can take it that way if you want. I won't change it cause I'm lazy.

Also, I'm putting these memes here cause I don't know any other way to send pictures in Wattpad so here are memes for the book 13 Reasons Why - Ahsoka Tano by SwifttheFangirl

To future readers: I've deleted them memes lol

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