Chapter 8. Upcoming Events

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Edit: I know squadron is supposed to be air force group or whatever but this is my fanfic and I can call em whatever I want hahahha *cries*

"I... I don't know what to say," Satine stuttered. She was concerned. Where would she go now that she has no home? What will she do?

Satine asked her, "Is this your choice or the Council's decision?" She squeezed the young Togruta's hands. Ahsoka swallowed and replied, "My choice."

"If it is your choice," the Duchess spoke again, "then I won't try to stop you." She stared at her blue eyes and hugged her, catching Ahsoka off guard.

Satine finally let Ahsoka go and walked a few steps back. "I guess this is goodbye then," she sadly spoke. "Thanks for sparing time for me to say goodbye."

Wait a minute, Satine realized. Why would she say goodbye only to me and not to literally everyone else she's close with?

Ahsoka realized about the miscommunication instantly and giggled. Satine raised her eyebrow at Ahsoka. She turned around to see Anakin and Obi-Wan just standing around, smiling.

"Tell me what's going on" Satine demanded. Obi-Wan answered her question, saying "Well this isn't really a goodbye to Ahsoka."

Satine turned 180 degrees to see the Togruta again. She smiled and answered her questions. "After some 'negotiations'," she shifted her gaze towards Anakin for a bit with a knowing look, "I can still fulfil my promise and join the Siege."

She was speechless. "You can have a normal life, you don't have to."

"But I want to," she reassured her. "In my life, when you find people who need your help, you help them, no matter what. And now, you need help."

Before saying anything else to her, Satine looked back at the men waiting behind her. "This isn't a prank right?" she asked, pointing her hand towards one of them.

They simply shook their heads. Anakin then stepped closer to Satine. "Now that it's settled, let's talk about this Siege."


In about an hour, a meeting was held between Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, Cody, and Bo-Katan through a transmission. A holo map of Sundari is opened in the middle of the meeting room in both locations the attendees are at. Satine didn't attend the meeting since she said that she doesn't understand military tactics. All that she said was to minimize the casualties as much as they can.

Analin was the first to share their ideas. "I was thinking that if the Republic and Mandalorian gunships come from here," he pointed at the area he was talking about, "then we could overwhelm their forces and send them to retreat."

Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "I say that we split up the forces," Rex suggested. He zoomed in to the map and pointed at what he means. "That way, we would be coming from three sides, right, left, and front. It'll make sure that all of his forces retreats into the city, making it easier to round and wipe them out." 

After some careful calculations, the others agreed. Now it was Bo-Katan who spoke up. "We have only 4 Mandalorian gunships. One will go from the left, one from the right, and two in the middle."

"Because the Republic gunships will be carrying the main forces," Ahsoka picked up from where Bo-Katan trailed off, "the Mandalorians should go in front, being the somewhat of protection for the Republic clones so that we won't loose many troops before even landing."

"Good point," Cody complimented. "Now that we know how to get in, we need a strategy so that no one gets out," he reminded the group.

After some time of silence, something came into Obi-Wan's mind. "I have an idea," Obi-Wan told the rest. "What if we split up the forces again, making 3 different groups."

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