Chapter 25. Plan for Vengeance

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Satine could feel the chills running through her spine as she heard the breathing noise. As her breath quickened, she tried to gather whatever remaining courage she had just for her to talk.

The man stepped closer to her cell and Satine stepped backwards on instinct. The man used black clothing, black cape, and a black mask. A machinery was in his chest, to which Satine believe is to help him breathe.

He opened the cell door and entered. The two stood in opposite ways in silence. Finally, Satine spoke up. "Who are you?" She expected no answer like before, and she was not so pleasantly surprised.

"Who am I doesn't matter," the man answered before another of the breathing noise can be heard again. Satine stared at the man. "It actually does," she argued back. "It's quite obvious that you have taken me and I would very much like to know who did it!" It took him a few seconds but he eventually gave in.


The name wasn't new to her ears. In the period of time she had ruling Mandalore after the Empire had taken over, she heard the name Vader a couple times, saying how gruesome and powerful he is. She heard whispers of him slaughtering children during the Jedi Temple raid, hunting down surviving Jedi, and many unspeakable acts.

"What do you want from me?" Satine asked. With caution, she slowly stepped forwards but one step was all the courage she had. He eyed at her like she was nothing but a defenseless mouse. "Someone," he simply stated.

Satine furrowed her eyebrows. Her eyes then widened as she realized what he's trying to do. "You're using me as bait," she accused in horror. "I will never be used as bait again!"

"How unfortunate that you are one, and always will be."

Satine continued to glare at the man. "Who do you want?" Satine asked. She couldn't think of anyone Vader might possibly want. Bo-Katan and Korkie wouldn't be it, they stayed away from the Empire as much as they could, she thought. Unless they did something behind my back..

Vader stayed quiet which annoyed Satine. Who could this man possibly want that could only be achieved by kidnapping her?

After several moments, Satine decided to ask again. "Who do you want to lure?" she asked again. This time he answered. "It doesn't concern you."

"It doesn't concern me?" she repeated in a mocking way, holding back her laughter. "It does! You.. kidnaped me, took me from my planet to lure someone and it doesn't concern me?!"

She felt her anger boiling with every second. "I will escape," she daringly warned. "My family and planet will soon find out about my disappearance, and when they do, they will find you. The Empire just lost a planet thanks to you."

Vader only stood looking at the former Duchess, holding back his grin. Beneath the black mask, he smiled. Foolish, just the same like before.

"Bold of you to assume your people would find out," he mocked. "Bold of you to assume someone else other than my target would come and rescue you."

"And why is that?" she asked.

"You are dead in the eyes of the galaxy."

Satine's mouth fell as she heard the news. She couldn't believe her ears. Her eyes widened in shock as she processed the information he just told her. She had died in the eyes of her people.

"Wh- what do you mean?" she asked in horror. Even without looking at her face, Vader could feel her fear and shock through her voice. He could feel the things going through her heart through the Force.

"You are gone in the eyes of the galaxy," he repeated. "My men stunned you. They replaced you with a perfect doppelganger, one that if checked in the database, would only show you as the result. You were taken away and your room was exploded by your grenade, to make it look like you committed suicide."

After the long explanation, Satine didn't feel anything else other than rage and sadness. What happened that night, it was something she wanted to know yet dreaded. And now, now that she finally found out, she wished she never did.

"How could you?" she whispered, holding back her tears. She took a step back ever so slightly. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Satine eventually broke down to the bench available in the room.

Seeing no other use to stay, Vader turned around and left her alone, locking the cell door as he left.


Vader walked to a room inside his massive fortress. Entering the room, a droid seemed to notice him and left whatever he was working on.

"What do you need my Lord?" the droid asked. Vader didn't bother to stop. "Have you found a way to locate the transmitter?" Vader asked, straight to the point.

The droid shook it's head. "No sir, we have been trying for months b-,"

"I've heard this excuse for a thousand times and I'm tired of it," he cut of the droid, glancing at it. He stopped on his tracks and turned to his left to look at the droid. "Prepare the transmitter device, I will record a message."

"Right away," said the droid and it paced towards the device, not wanting to make the Sith Lord wait longer. Vader made his way to the center of the room and waited. After several seconds, the droid came back with the device. He set it up and turned it on.

"Obi-Wan," the Sith Lord started, saying the name with a bitter tone. "It may surprise you, if you even look at the news, but I have Satine. You may not believe me, but I will send you a video to make prove it. Come to Mustafar, to my Fortress, by a week. If not, then she'll die for real this time."

Assuming that he's finished, the droid stopped the recording. "Add a cut down video of the security footage of the prisoner and send it to the transmitter you've been trying to track," he ordered. "Make sure to make no mistakes," he added.

"Yes my Lord," the droid said before making its way to a station to do his master's bidding. Vader only looked in triumph, knowing that his plan is working well.

Author's note:
A short chapter compared to the previous ones but it did its job. Wish me luck in updating chapter 26 tommorow.

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