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The next morning, I opened my eyes to the sound of knocking on my door. I glanced to my right seeing a sleeping Malcolm & Paisley. I slowly dragged myself out of bed and the knocking continued.

Celine: I'm coming!

I opened my door to see my brother standing there holding a yellow stuffed bunny. I blinked a couple times, trying to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Teddy: You gonna let me in or what?

Celine: Sorry, just wasn't expecting to see you

I stepped aside and he came in looking around. I hadn't talked to my brother in years, so it was weird he was just showing up.

Teddy: I brought this for Paisley

Celine: She's sleeping right now. Teddy I have to ask why're you here? It's been years

Teddy: I decided it was time for me to come home

Paisley: Mommy who's this?

I turned to see Malcolm carrying Paisley into the kitchen area where we were talking. Teddy glanced between the two of us.

Teddy: She looks just like you KC

Celine: Really? Everybody else says she looks like Malcolm

Teddy: Who's that?

Malcolm: *clears throat* That'd be me

He looked at Malcolm, obviously trying to come across as intimidating. I cleared my throat and he glanced at me.

Teddy: I don't really see it

Celine: Paisley this is your Uncle Teddy

Teddy: I brought you this

He walked over and Paisley grabbed the bunny from him with a shy smile on her face. She was only shy when first meeting people.

Paisley: Come on daddy he needs to meet the others

Malcolm: What about breakfast?

I grabbed the cereal, two bowls, spoons, and the milk and he got the idea. He took Paisley in her playroom and came back for the breakfast stuff and exiting again.

Celine: Sit down Teddy

He sat down in front of me, it felt more like an interrogation even though I intended for us to have a conversation.

Celine: Where you been?

Teddy: Working, and before you even ask I'm not rolling with Bruno and his crew no more

Celine: I called you a lot over the years, would've been nice to have you here

Teddy: Now that I see her, I wish I would've been. Hey! Tell me a story, something I missed

Celine: Umm, okay. Well our first thanksgiving with Paisley was pretty interesting.

Teddy: How so?

Celine: It was the first battle of the grandmas

I was in the kitchen helping despite everything Jessica had to say about it. There were a couple of recipes in my family and I didn't trust the cooks to stick to, so I decided to make it myself. I heard footsteps and glanced over to see Malcolm entering the kitchen, he smiled at me while watching what I was doing.

Malcolm: Almost done?

Celine: Yea

Malcolm: Good I'm not sure how much longer Ainsley can keep our mothers at bay

Celine: What're they doing?

Malcolm: Well Paisley was sitting on the floor playing and they both started calling her, seeing who she would walk too

Celine: Did she move?

Malcolm: I picked her up and handed her to Ainsley, you sure you don't want the cooks to handle this?

Celine: I'm almost done. If you want you and Paisley can-

Before I could get my sentence out Jessica walked in holding Paisley, who was now dressed as a sequined turkey. Malcolm and I both stared in disbelief.

Jessica: She's just so cute! I have to get my photographer out here

She walked back out the kitchen. I glanced over at Malcolm and cleared my throat, slightly shaking my head.

Celine: Could you um-

Malcolm: She has outfits upstairs; I'll go get her changed

Celine: Thanks

We had a long day ahead of us.

He chuckled at the story and walked over to some of the pictures I had placed around, he picked up the last family picture we took with our father.

Teddy: Listen it was good to see you sis, I gotta go. I'm gonna be back though, seems like you got a lot more stories to tell.

I nodded and he pulled me into a hug before walking out the front door. Malcolm exited Paisley's playroom with a milk mustache and an empty bowl of cereal.

Malcolm: You okay?

Celine: Yea, do you want coffee?

Malcolm: Yes please

Prodigal Son; Malcolm BrightWhere stories live. Discover now