17. Kiss

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After a day of staying home sick and feeling like absolute shit, I forced Josh to go to school. I still felt terrible and wasn't allowed by my mother to go myself, but I wouldn't allow Josh to take care of me two days in a row. Besides, once my parents were gone I had my own plan in mind.

With a decent amount of money, I headed out into the brisk weather and to the convenience store. It was obvious what I had in mind for buying. Josh could throw them out as much as he wanted, I'd only continue to buy them.

As luck would have it, I didn't run into Vic this time. I was nervous I would, though, in all honesty. Despite being a school day, I knew he worked there. 

Instead I had bought my things and received a text from Josh.

'How are you?'

'Aren't you supposed to be in class?'

'You're more important'

I blushed, to my dismay.

'Fuck you'

'You think you'll be good by tonight?'

'Probably, why?'

'I'm taking you somewhere'

He didn't respond to the rest of my texts, either having gotten caught or deciding to let me wonder what the hell he's planning, which is exactly what I did.

I was laying on my bed, having taken the luxury of being home alone for more than a few minutes by wearing short sleeves and letting everything out without locking the door. My mother would be home any minute, but I found myself too immersed in the feeling to care. Besides, she usually knocked, and probably wouldn't come to my room anyways. 

The front door opened, I tried to move to lock the door, or at least clean things up, but I fell back on the bed and sighed. I didn't want my moment of peace to be ruined.

A knock on my door. "Oli?"

Panic set in, although it wasn't my mother. It was Tom.

"Don't come in!" I shouted and sat up quickly. Immediately I felt dizzy, and I had to ground myself before standing and packing up my things, returning them to their hidden shelf. I put on a jacket and opened the door.

"Took you long enough," he muttered. "Your friends downstairs." Without waiting for a response, he walked away back into his room.

I scoffed and trotted down the stairs. Josh sat on the couch, smiling when he saw me. "How are you?" He asked.

"Stuffy nose, but that's about it," I shrugged.

"Good." He grinned. "Come on, let's go." He took my hand and pulled me out of the house. I didn't pay attention much to where he was taking me, only that the day was cold and we were passing familiar houses until we stopped outside a forest.

"What's this?" I asked.

"What does it look like? A forest." Josh pulled me along. The forest floor was still damp from this mornings rain while wet leaves coated it. I noticed how Josh was barefoot, but didn't question it. 

There was a bridge, a small arch over a mini river. Josh ran up to it and sat on the wooden stand, patting the seat next to him.

I smiled and sat beside him, looking out at the mini river, the trees and anything else visible. "It's nice, isn't it?" Josh asked me. "I came here as a kid, just to get away. It just became my spot." He swung his legs back and forth, while we fell into a silence. His fingers brushed against mine and I had to force back the blush. A single touch and I was a teenage girl. 

"I'm proud of you, y'know," Josh murmured.

"What?" I looked up at him.

He shrugged. "You just seem like you're getting better."

I snorted. Where had he gotten that inclination? I thought it was obvious it was the total obvious, though I guess, despite him being who he is, he didn't know everything.

"Well, thanks I guess."

Josh took my hand, observing my fingers before intertwining them with his own. I looked down and withheld another blush. We sat there, talking about nothing and everything. Memories, stupid moments, stories we've heard. I let go, I laughed. For the first time in.. forever. 

"And so I'm trying to tell her but-" Josh continued ranting. I stared at him while spoke, not really paying attention to his words but rather his voice, his eyes and everything about him that I adored. 

"Oli?" He broke me from my trance, staring at me with a soft, concerned look. "You okay?"

"Mhm," I murmured. My eyes flickered to his lips. "You're taking a break from Teresa, right?"

"I-I mean- Yeah, I don't know if I'll get back with her b-but-" Before I knew it I was kissing him. And just like his eyes, his lips felt like heaven.


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