Blood for Blood

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I see the dragons flying towards us and I hear Rheagal screaming and I know something is very wrong. I go to Dany and wakes her up without wasting time. She opens her eyes and sees me that I'm concerned"what is it?" I throw her clothes and then Drogon breaks the wall of our room. I understand they want to leave right now and Rheagal kept screaming and I could tell he was feeling pain. I hear the door opens but before I could see who open it Drogon breath fire at the door and burns whoever wanted to get inside. I go to Rheagal and climb on him, Daenerys climb on Drogon and then both of them start flying and going away of Meereen. "What is it Rheagal? I ask I know he can't talk but somehow I can feel he's in huge pain. He kept screaming sometimes and that scream was the worst thing I have ever heard before. We were flying and almost outside of Meereen when Rheagal start flying lower and lower. I see Drogon following us. We kept going down and I could see Rheagal was trying to keep flying but couldn't. Rheagal land in land very fast and I almost fall from him and then Rheagal made a huge scream of pain. Daenerys runs at him "what's wrong Rheagal " she was touching his head and crying . I see close to his mouth and saw blood everywhere. Rheagal start spitting blood from his mouth. His scream become less loud but I didn't know if is a good thing or bad thing. I touch his head "you will be fine Rheagal " I told him and I was feeling pain in my chest. "We should return to Westeros" Daenerys said with tears in her eyes. "No Rheagal can never make it to Westeros we should go somewhere to help him sooner " I said and Rheagal start raising his head and made the same position he does when he wants me to fly with him. I don't even think twice and climb on him and Daenerys goes to Drogon and we start flying again but Rheagal was flying very low and not as fast as before and sometimes he would fly so low that he would use his legs to walk a bit and fly again. I don't know where are we going but I hope our dragons know where we are going.

I woke up in the morning and hear the door opening. I see is Grey Worm "Army of Dorne.The Rock and The army of Turly are seeing coming here by our scouts " He said with no emotions in his face . I get up from bed very fast "What about The Reach and Storms End?" He shook his head "we have send letters to them to come here and support us and ships of Iron Island should be here tomorrow " I'm relieved that they will arrive here soon . "How many men do we have?" I asked him. "We have close to 7000 unsullied and 30000 dothraki soldiers we should be able to defeat them without much trouble " I sit in the bed again and drink a glass with water . "What about them ?" I ask looking at him "our scouts have reported for around 2500 Turly soldiers,2000 Lannister soldiers and 5000 Dorne soldiers. We don't know the exact number but is close to that ". "What about the golden company what if they send soldiers to Dorne or The Rock to help them" . He doesn't say anything . "If we don't get any letters from The Reach within a few days I would say they won't help and our king and queen will deal with The Golden Company once and for all" I said but I wasn't sure myself and the three dragons we have are still small to do anything. "Prepare for war and we should fight in case Our King and Queen don't return in time" He nods and leaves the room.

Yesterday - Arta Glover
Is been says since I married with Gendry but he still hasn't even touch me and things only got worse since we got the new that Ser Davos was executed for treason. I would try always to be with him but he looks me with disgust eyes and he barely ever talk with me. I'm staying in bed and all this is making me feel sick without being sick maybe I should have just stayed with The Queen. I see Gendry opening the door and stepping inside. I get up and smile at him but he doesn't even look at me. There were times I was completely naked but didn't anything. I knew he must love someone else and if he does why marry me . "My lady we got a letter from Kings Landing yesterday to go there and protect them from Dorne and The Rock so I will leave soon you will stay here" he said all that without looking at me. "Who is she?" I ask my voice trembling. He looks at me finally but his eyes are filled with sadness and rage but not love. "It doesn't matter anymore " he said and break eye contact. "I want to come I want to talk with The Queen "  he walks at the window while I'm standing near the bed. "You're not coming, The King and Queen are not there and I'm not going there to help them" He said and I'm shocked what does he mean by that . "What do you mean our queen legitimate you and this is what you do?" I yelled at him and he turns his head to me and for a moment I thought he would beat me but he doesn't move. "Did you heard what they did ? First Kings Landing then Ser Davos who's next they will burn anyone who disagree with them" . His voice was cold and showed no emotion in his face. "I will leave tomorrow " he start walking to the door but I stop him I step in front of him "don't do this" I said almost like whispering. He didn't look at me or say anything but just left the room.

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