Allies and Enemies

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Jon woke up in the morning Daenerys was still sleeping and then someone knock on the door.
"Jon you there?" It was Arya
Jon start putting his clothes, "What is it Arya"
"Jaime Lannister is here we are waiting for you and The Queen in the Hall"
Jon put all his clothes "We're coming "
Jon turn to Daenerys and start touching her in the shoulder to wake up.
Daenerys open her eyes "what is it?"
"Dany they need us in the hall Jaime Lannister is here".
That made Daenerys to get up and start putting her clothes and Jon helped her.

Jon and Daenerys entered the hall and they immediately notice Jaime Lannister in the middle with chains in his hand.Arya made eye contact with Jon but Sansa didn't even look at him.
Is been almost two days since Jon and Daenerys burned the northern soldiers and Sansa still remembered the look Jon gave her.
Just the thought of that look made her a bit scared.
Jon and Daenerys sit in their chair and they looked at Jaime Lannister. Daenerys was furious and her eyes were on fire.
"Cersei Lannister promised an army but all I see is a man with one hand. So your sister Cersei betrayed us" Daenerys wasn't surprised but was more mad at Tyrion.
Jaime took one step closer "My sister never wanted to bring her armies in The North she never had any intention to help us"
"Us ?" Jon said. Jon remember the first time he met Jaime in Winterfell six years ago.
"I made a promise to fight for the living I intend to keep that promise " .
Tyrion took one step closer to Jaime "your grace I know my brother " but before he could finish the sentence .
"Like you knew your sister " Dany said. Jon was angry at Tyrion as well.
"Give us one reason why we shouldn't kill you Jaime Lannister " Jon said.
"And the crime you did against House Stark and House Targeryan and many other houses" Daenerys said
Jaime didn't know how to answer and just stood there without saying anything.
The lords in the hall start calling him in different names
Sister Fucker
Burn him alive
KingSLAYER That word was stuck in Jaime's mind and whatever he did couldn't stop people calling him that.
Brienne gets up from her chair and gets close to Jaime.
"You're grace I know is hard to believe but Jaime Lannister is a man of honor . Lady Sansa the reason why you're alive is because of him because he made an oath to your mother."
"Do you trust him ?" Sansa asked
"With all my life"
Daenerys went close to Jon " Do you think we should let him stay?" She said in a quiet voice so only he could hear her.
"I don't trust him but we need man " Jon told her.
"I think we should let him stay " Sansa said and was looking at Jon and Daenerys.
"Very well " Daenerys said
Grey Worm went to Jaime and removed his chains. "Your sword will be given to you when is needed" Daenerys said .
"Thank You your Grace"
Everyone in the hall starts to leave. Jon and Daenerys gets up and leave the hall and went to their chamber.
Jon and Daenerys enters the chamber and Jon close the door behind him. "I think Tyrion knew her army wouldn't come " Daenerys said .
Jon sit in the bed" Tyrion was raised with his sister his whole life and I find it hard to believe that he was fooled by her"
Daenerys start walking towards Jon " We told Grey Worm to keep an eye on him . He will tell us if there is anything wrong "
Jon was thinking to himself if Cersei would have send her Army North if he lied.
"Do you think Cersei would have helped us if I lied"
"No I don't think so" Daenerys said to make him feel better but even she didn't know what would have happened.

Bran was in God's Wood and Jaime start walking towards him. Bran move his head to him. Jaime stopped and was looking at the kid he pushed from the window.
"I'm sorry what I did to you"
"You weren't sorry then. I'm not mad at you . You did what you had to do to protect your family.
Jaime is a bit surprised by it but doesn't say anything.
"Why you didn't tell them about it?"
"They would have killed you . You're no use to us if you're dead.

Jon and Daenerys were walking around Winterfell when Jaime stopped them.
Jon's hand went to his blade and prepared for anything. Jamie noticed that. "I'm not here to do anything bad but I want to talk to Queen Daenerys ".
"What do you want " Daenerys was clearly mad at him .
"I wanted to talk about your father "
Daenerys didn't care that much she knew her father was a mad man.
Jaime took one step closer "Your grace your father last order to me was to bring him my father's head" Jaime feels bad just to think about it.
"And then he ordered to use the Wild Fire under the city. The wild fire was everywhere around the city. If I would have not stopped him he would have burned the whole King's Landing"
Daenerys took one step closer to him" I forgive you. My father was a mad man and he deserved it" .Jaime was glad about it and bow to Daenerys "Thank You".

After one week
Winterfell was ready for the attack of The Night King
Everyone would gather in once in three days to talk about The War and their Strategy

Jon woke up and look around and Daenerys wasn't there. He gets up and notice that is very cold . He gets out of the room and noticed that no one is there. He pulls out his sword and start going towards The Main Hall . He gets inside and no one is there either and it becomes even more cold. Jon walks around and sees that the roof is destroyed. Snow was falling inside and he start running and goes outside and sees that no one is outside and then he noticed a body in the ground. He gets closer and notice that is Arya with a dagger in the heart."Nononononono is not her is not her.
Jon can't believe his eyes and start screaming.
"Jon wake up wake up" Daenerys telling Jon.
Jon open his eyes and looks at her and kiss her.
"You're alright Jon" Daenerys with a concerned voice.
"Yeh just a bad dream " Jon answered still breathing heavily .
"What did you dream?" Daenerys ask him and gets closer to him.
"It doesn't matter " Jon said and tries to sleep again. Daenerys put her head in his chest and both fall asleep.
Jon wakes up and feels the warmth of Dany .
Jon looks around and sees that everything is alright and is not cold.
He slowly gets up and looks outside the window and sees Arya training with Brienne.
Jon smiles and turns around and walks to the fire. Daenerys wake up as well and sees Jon .
"How long before they're here?" Daenerys asked Jon.
"One week said Bran yesterday "
Jon start going towards and sit in the bed with her and kiss her .
Their kiss become more wild when someone opens the door. Missandei walks in ." Your grace The Unsullied have capture a woman who tried to get inside with two soldiers. She said that is the niece of Lord Glover"
"The one who betrayed us" Jon said and still was mad when he thought about it.
"We're coming " Daenerys said.

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