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Jon was with Daenerys in the bed . Jon woke up and was looking at her beautiful face.Jon gets closer to give a kiss at her lips . Daenerys open her eyes and caught him trying to kiss her."I saw you" smiling and Jon smile as well . "Today we arrive at white harbor " he told her.
"This Journey with you has been amazing" She told him while looking at his eyes."We can still have amazing nights together Now and Always"
"Now and Always " She agreed and kiss his lips .The Door open and Missandei came inside. Daenerys looks at Missandei
"Your grace we have arrived ,we're waiting for you outside "
"We"re coming "
Missandei bows and leaves the room.
Daenerys gets up and start putting her clothes.Jon put his arm around her and kiss her back . She turn to him with a big smile.Jon kiss with her passion with their tongue dancing around.
She feels his hands are going to her pussy.
Jon... please... they're waiting ..
His hand went to her pussy and the other playing with her breast .He start kissing her neck and going down .She moans and doesn't try to fight him anymore and just let him do what he and she wants. Jon start licking her pussy . Her moans start getting louder and louder.YES Jon oHH FUCK YEH. She tried to grab something but couldn't so just stood in one place. Jon puts his hands in her waist and doesn't let her move.She reached her climax and her legs become weaker and fall but Jon caught her.She smiling at his face and start kissing him with her tongue inside his mouth. She moans while kissing . Jon grabs her in the ass and start going towards the bed.
"What will the others think of us?"
"Who cares" Jon answered and put his hard cock to her sex. She screams in pleasure and doesn't care who hears them.

White Harbor
Daenerys and Jon gets out of the boat and see a northerner lord.
"Our King is back" The Lord Yell
Jon gets closer and shake his hand.
"Perhaps you thought I wouldn't return " Jon said . "Nonsense we're happy to have you here White Wolf. Jon smile at him .
"This is Queen Daenerys of House Targeryan "
"Is good to have you here your grace"
"Thank You for your warm welcome " Daenerys said with a smile looking at Jon.
"Do you want to rest ? We have a lot of place in the new castle? Lord said .
"No thank you we need to reach Winterfell today" The lords bows to Jon.
Jon and Daenerys hop in their horses and start going towards Winterfell with Daenerys's army.
"Sansa hasn't told them yet" Jon told her
"I noticed how do you think they will react?
"I know I did the right thing they will see it soon" Jon said with a serious voice.

After 2 hours
A big roar is heard in the sky and Drogon and Rheagal land near Jon and Daenerys.
"Anything wrong?" Jon asked and Daenerys goes to her dragons and Jon follows her.
"They don't like the cold of The North"
"What about you do you feel cold"
"I never feel cold with you around " Daenerys said with a smirk on her face.
Jon sees her climbing on Drogon and feels bad that he can't join her. Rheagar gets close to Jon.
Daenerys looks at Jon and then Rheagar "Go on."
"I don't know how to ride a dragon"
"You did very well this morning Jon Snow "
Jon laugh at that and start climbing Rheagal. It was first time so he didn't really knew how this works.
"We can go faster to Winterfell like this" Daenerys said .
"What about your army ?"
"We're already close to Winterfell I'm sure they know how to go there."
"Where should I hold?"
Daenerys smile "Wherever you can"
Rheagar start flying and Jon struggle to hold . Daenerys catch them and looks at him smiling.
Drogon and Rheagar start flying even higher "Oh SHIT" Jon screaming
After flying more higher they look like are beyond the clouds
Jon could even see Winterfell now"That's Winterfell " Jon can't believe how small Winterfell looks from up there. Jon moves Rheagal to the direction of Winterfell and Rheagal listen to him. Daenerys follows him.
And they start going towards Winterfell

Arya was waiting for Jon as happy and as she could be.Arya sees The Army coming but doesn't see Jon or Dragon Queen and neither did Sansa."Where is he ?" Sansa ask
Bran answer "they're close very close "
Arya didn't understand what he meant because she couldn't see them.Suddenly a big roar is heard . Sansa and Arya and everyone else look up and see dragons going to Winterfell. Everyone start to panic except for Arya who's smiling .Arya noticed Jon in one of the dragons so does Sansa.
"WoW he's riding a Dragon" Arya yell .
Jon and Daenerys land very close to the walls of Winterfell . Jon gets inside with Daenerys and her army is right behind her. Arya start running towards Jon and throw herself to his arm ."I have missed you little sister" .Arya looks at him."I'm not little anymore "
"You will always be my little sister" . Jon said with a big smile in the face.
Jon start walking towards Sansa and hug her and goes to Bran and kiss him in the forehead.
"Look at you you're a man"
Bran looks at him with no emotion " almost "
Daenerys,Missandei,Tyrion and Ser Jorah start walking towards them.
"Sansa this is Queen Daenerys of House Targeryan "
Sansa makes a fake smile "Welcome to Winterfell your grace"
Arya interrupts the conversation " your dragons are very beautiful your grace "
Daenerys smile at Arya "Thank you Lady Arya"
Arya never liked to call her a Lady and Jon noticed that right away.
"Thank You for your welcome Lady Stark" Daenerys said.
Tyrion takes a step closer and looks at Sansa
"Is been a very long time my wife" Tyrion said with a smirk in the face.
"I'm sure you're tired we better get inside and is more warm" Sansa says.
Jon and Daenerys and the others follows her .

Let me know in the comments what do you think about this chapter.

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