Dragon Eggs

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Me and Jon were flying to Kings Landing. Jon hasn't said a word since we burned Sansa. We are almost to Kings Landing and I see Drogon and Rheagal change direction. "Drogon not this way " I tell him but they don't listen. Jon doesn't seem to care that they changed direction. "Jon where are we going?" I tell him but he doesn't even move his head. In that moment I gave up and just let the dragons go where they want to go.
Is been some time that we're flying and I can't tell anymore where we are. I look down and see destroyed buildings and everything seems to be ruined but this place looks old . Like no one has been here for centuries. Drogon land and I jump from Drogon. Rheagal land near us and Jon jump from Rheagal. "Where are we Jon?" He turns to me "I don't know Dany but let's see what we can find". I look around and I can barely see anything there's fog everywhere but then Drogon gets closer to me and breath fire and I see dragon eggs in front of me. I get closer and I see three dragon eggs. "Jon come here" I call for Jon and he start walking towards me. I took the red egg in my hand and I can feel the dragon inside. Jon comes and his eyes are wide open. He smiles at me and I smile at him as well. "We're taking these to Kings Landing but don't tell anyone that we found them" Jon tells me and I agree. I turn to him "how can we ride the dragons and hold the eggs in our hands". Before he answer Drogon gets closer and take the two in the ground in his mouth. "Drogon No " I scream but Jon stops me "he won't hurt them he will just carry them". I'm relieved but in same time feel strange for this. I place the third egg in the ground and Drogon takes that as well. "Let's leave " I said to him . I climb on Drogon and look at this place. "Could this be old Valyria " I think to myself. Drogon and Rheagal start flying.

KingsLanding - Jon/Dany
We land close to the castle. Drogon place the eggs in the ground. I remove my cloak and put them in there. Me and Daenerys start going to the castle.
"Jon" I try to talk but he doesn't respond and just keeps walking and doesn't look at me.
We are in front of our room and Jon tells the guards to find 10 candles and put them in our room. The guards leave the room and me ans Jon get inside. Jon put the eggs in the fire in our room.
I haven't talked with her since we were in Winterfell. I know is not her fault but still feel bad for what had happened. I turn around and see Daenerys getting closer to me. I look in her eyes and my hands go to her cheek. "Jon" She calls me with a very quiet voice. "I'm sorry for what happened " she tells me but I don't blame her but only myself. I get closer to her face and out nose touch. I feel her warm breath in my lips . I want nothing else but to make love. "Is not your fault my love if someone is to blame that's me" . She puts her hand in my chest. "You should never blame yourself my love for the mistakes of the others " .
I look at him and press my lips on his . He return the kiss and our tongue start dancing. It feels so good to kiss him everytime it feels like is the first time.

Ser Davos
I should write this letter as fast as possible before anyone sees me. They won't go away with burning an entire city to the ground and saying it was the right thing to do. Well the letter is done time to send it to Golden Company. I hear the door opening. I hide the letter but I see that is Gendry. "What you wanted from Ser Davos " . I get up from the chair and give him the letter. "Listen to me this one to Dorne,this one to Golden Company". Gendry nods and leaves the room. I know they have dragons but only two and the golden company has the largest army in the world. The Targeryan will Die. I should move fast with this plan it will take months or even years for Golden Company to gather all their army but when they see what I have to offer they will agree to my plan.

Where am I . Why Drogon is sleeping close to me. I see the castle but where's Dany. I look in my hands and see wings instead. What's happening to me!.
I get up from bed sweating "it was just a dream nothing else. Why it feels so real". I look outside the window and see Rheagal and Drogon. Rheagal is awake maybe he saw a bad dream as well. I remember having this dreams with Ghost when I was at the wall and beyond the wall. I look at the eggs in the fire and The unsullied had already left the candles in our room. I look closer and one of the eggs is red , the other one is white and the last one is a bit yellow with dark color. I take the red egg "your name will be Arya" . I put the egg back in his place.

I see flames everywhere everything is burning but not just Kings Landing. I see the lands in the westeros. All are burning, every castle,every house everything. Where's Jon?. I see myself in the Meereen and I feel the warm body of Jon near me but I see Daario instead. I get up from bed "Jon" I scream but can't find him. Daario turns his head to me "hello my love do you want to give me a kiss". I take a few steps back "no I don't love you where's Jon" . Then suddenly everything burst in green flames.
"Dany Dany wake up wake up" . I open my eyes and see Jon . I'm relieved. "It was just a bad dream " He said and I put my hand in his face and kiss him I force my tongue in his mouth and I don't want to let him go ever again.

Check out my new story" Targeryan Madness ".

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