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(A/N: Most of the gifs don't really have anything to do with the chapter, they're mostly there for aesthetic purposes LOL

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(A/N: Most of the gifs don't really have anything to do with the chapter, they're mostly there for aesthetic purposes LOL... maybe... can't say the same for the sad ones 👀)

"Seriously, Seok?"

"Yeah, I'm serious." The said man grinned, leaning in with his elbows propped on the restaurant's table. "I'm asking Jimin's best friend out."

Namjoon scoffed, finding his friend's whole plan ridiculous. His arm wrapped around his older boyfriend's shoulders before continuing his talk with the brunet in front of them. "It's unethical to play with someone else's feelings for the benefit of your own love life, Hoseok."

Seokjin, who was originally planning to stay quiet while leaning in to his boyfriend's touch, decided to speak up. "Yoongi's Jimin's best friend anyways. Jimin's got high standards, I doubt he'd let his own friend settle for less."

"You trynna say I'm out of his league?" Hoseok gasped, clearly offended. "I'll show you. I'll have Jimin's friend wrapped around my finger in no time and from there on, my chances with Jimin would rise after spending more time with him because of that guy."

"What makes you think he'd go for his best friend's man?" Taehyung laughed, sitting with his younger boyfriend near the end of the table.

"Wouldn't that give you less chances?" Jungkook joined in, stealing his redheaded boyfriend's fries from beside him.

"I'll discreetly flirt with Jimin while Yoongi's not around. Simple as that." The brunet shrugged, finishing the last of his food.

All four of his friends wanted to disagree but they knew how Hoseok was and there was no way of changing his mind once he's settled on something.

Hoseok walked around campus, hoping he'd run into any of the two males he was looking for. Jimin was easy to spot around their college with the reputation he held so it shouldn't be too hard of a task. Yoongi was always with his best friend and the brunet thought this day wouldn't be any different.

"I still don't think this is a good idea, Hoseok." Jungkook pouted, having accompanied his friend per request by the older since none of their other friends were willing to get involved.

"Just shut up, Kook. You're here for moral support not so I'd have a mini Joon nagging me." Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Fine." The younger snickered, looking the other direction with an irked expression.

He caught sight of a blonde riding a mint-haired male's back with a giddy smile right as they turned a corner. Jungkook made eye contact with the paler man who immediately looked away, cheeks tinting a faint shade of red.

"Yo, Seok. Isn't that him? With Jimin?" The younger tapped his friend's shoulder, Hoseok turning his head to the direction of the raven head's other finger.

"Oh, thank God. I was worried we'd have to wait 'til tomorrow for this." The brunet laughed. "Aight, I'm going. Wish me luck, Kook." He patted the younger's back before heading toward the two males.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel bad for Jimin's friend.

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