♪ 15 ♪

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: Sparks by Coldplay

I picked this song because I know it'll hurt you guys even more while reading this chapter 🙂


That night, Hoseok couldn't sleep.

His mind wouldn't rest, the image of Yoongi's red eyes and tear-struck cheeks wouldn't leave his memory.

It... it hurt. The knowledge that he was the cause of those tears hurt. He couldn't recall ever feeling this much pain the first time he saw the older cry. This one left a sick feeling in his stomach— like he committed an unforgivable crime.

Hoseok took Yoongi's first kiss out of selfishness and he felt like a total jackass for it.

The mint-haired male told him he's had his first kiss. The younger should've known better than to believe him.

He didn't know why but he was actually... scared. He had never felt that much regret and pity toward someone. What if Yoongi decided to call things off?Why was he suddenly so scared of losing the guy?

The brunet wanted to use the reason that it was because he wouldn't be able to hang out with Jimin anymore. But no. His guts told him that that was no where near the real reason.

He closed his eyes, remembering the little talk he had with his mom before they left the house. He could practically hear his heartbeat drumming through his ears.

2 Days Ago

A/N: The dialogues in the flashback are in regular font because they're speaking in Korean and your author only speaks English and Tagalog so I can't translate skdjskdj

"Here's some snacks for the drive back." Hoseok's mother handed his son a bag full of food, speaking in their native language. His parents weren't fluent in English, hence why the brunet learned how to speak Korean despite being born in the US.

"Eomma, we'll just get food once we get there." The male laughed, trying to push the bag back in her arms. She wouldn't budge, hiding her hands behind her back like a mischievous little kid.

Hoseok gave in, opening the car door and placing the snacks in the back seat. He shook his head fondly at the thought of his mother always getting things her way.

"Is Noona not up yet?" The brunet questioned, closing the car door.

"No, she's been sleeping in since she came back. Just because she released a new line of sleep wear last month, doesn't mean she should actually use it to her advantage. The lazy bitch claims it's her way of self-promotion." His mother complained with a tsk. Hoseok laughed, recalling the close mother-and-daughter bond the two had.

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