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The mint-haired male laid flat on his bed, staring up at his dormitory's ceiling when his best friend came back from work

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The mint-haired male laid flat on his bed, staring up at his dormitory's ceiling when his best friend came back from work.

"I'm exhausted." Jimin whined, throwing his beanie on his bed and his bag on the floor. "I had to make drinks for five cranky customers today. That's three more than usual!"

Yoongi only hummed, attention elsewhere while the blonde stripped off of his work attire and changed into comfortable home clothes. He didn't notice how quiet the older was until he finally turned around, looking at the gloomy male.

He would usually tell the shorter to "shut up" or "stop being a baby" every time the blonde complained about his job.

Jimin frowned, crawling into the mint head's bed instead of his. He straddled the older's waist, laying on him with his cheek smushed against Yoongi's chest like a pouty child. "Yoonie, what's wrong? Why aren't you being mean like usual?"

Yoongi laughed softly at that, bringing his hand up and running his fingers through the blonde's locks. He wished he was able to cuddle with Hoseok the way Jimin always did with the mint head.

"Can I ask you something, Minie?" The older whispered, feeling his best friend nod from where his head laid. "How long did it take to receive your first hug from your previous relationships?"

Jimin thought about it, snuggling closer to the other's chest. "Probably the day after we made things official or even before that."

"First kiss?"

"Around the first week or two." The younger shrugged before the questions dawned on him. He pushed his body up, looking down at his best friend with wide eyes. "Has Hoseok never hugged or kissed you?!"

Yoongi's face heated up, the male immediately covering his face in embarrassment. "I hugged him for the first time today."

"Yoongi! Hasn't it been a month?" Jimin felt pity when his best friend nodded behind his hands.

"Our one month's in three days— on the 5th."

"On our birthday?" The younger questioned, pulling his best friend's arms away so he could see his pouting face. Yoongi nodded again.

That was one of the unique things about their friendship, they shared the same birthday. It gave them the opportunity to celebrate their special day together.

But it also kind of sucked for Yoongi when all the attention was always on Jimin— though he never complained because it made him smile just seeing his other half glowing with happiness.

"He's probably planning on surprising you that day. Who knows, maybe you'll finally get your first kiss." The blonde wiggled his eyebrows, giggling when the older pushed him off of his lap.

I doubt. Yoongi thought sadly though a grin formed on his face when the Jimin crawled back on top of him with a giddy laugh.

3 Days Later

"What are you doing?" Namjoon questioned his roommate who was wrapping a box of chocolate in yellow wrapping paper.

"Wrapping Jimin's birthday gifts." Hoseok explained simply, holding the roll of paper up. "Yellow's his favorite color." He neatly placed the finished items in the gift bag sitting on their shared nightstand before grabbing another one to start wrapping.

"Isn't that a bit much? You're acting like he's your boyfriend." The younger shook his head. "How do you think his friend would feel?"

"He probably wouldn't mind. He knows we're friends so it wouldn't be weird or anything." The brunet shrugged.

Namjoon sighed, hating how dumb his best friend was. "Seok, you're literally giving him flowers." He pointed at the bouquet of roses on their study table. "That's not very friend-like in my opinion. I'm sure Yoongi would think the same."

Hoseok gave him an irritated look. "Go check up on your own boyfriend or something."

The taller rolled his eyes, pushing himself off of his bed. He grabbed his bag and headed to class without another word.

The brunet, on the other hand, finished wrapping the last of Jimin's gifts and proceeded to get ready. He was planning to surprise the blonde since it became a routine for them to meet up and wait for his best friend to get out of class.

Hoseok and Jimin were both dance majors so it was even more convenient since their schedules matched up for the most part. They both didn't have any classes for the day which was the perfect opportunity for the older to give his gifts without Yoongi around.

He couldn't wait.


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I hope next chapter hurts to read like I planned it would be🙂

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