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Yoongi wasn't lying when he told Hoseok that he'd be busy the next day

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Yoongi wasn't lying when he told Hoseok that he'd be busy the next day.

It was just that... he didn't exactly say the reason why.

This day marked two years since his parents' passing.

And for the last two death anniversaries, the mint head would drown himself with assignments just to distract himself from the numbing pain. It always left Jimin worried, trying to pull the older male out of his study table for a short breather but the older wouldn't budge.

Jimin usually didn't have any classes on the days the anniversary landed on which let him stay by his best friend's side throughout his misery but this year was different.

Stupid afternoon class.

"Minie, I'll be fine. Just go already." Yoongi groaned, prying the younger's arms off of him.

"Nooo~" Jimin whined, clinging even closer to the male. "I don't wanna leave you todaaaayy."

The older stood up, quite easily irritated due to the day's reminder. "You'll be late for class, Jimin. Go."

Jimin always felt guilty whenever Yoongi called him by his real name because it meant that the blonde was getting on his nerves. The younger understood, though. It was more than reasonable for the mint-haired male to be in a bad mood.

"Okay." The blonde pouted, letting go of his best friend's shoulders, pulling his bag on. Before he could close the door behind him, he turned back to the older. "Hey, promise me you'll go out? Maybe give that Hoseok guy a call. Just anything other than locking yourself up in our room for the rest of the day. Please?"

Yoongi stared blankly at him.

He really didn't want to leave their dorm feeling like shit but he knew the younger was only looking out for him. Groaning defeatedly, his hand swatted the male away. "Fine. I'll go on a walk or something. Now go away."

Jimin smiled happily, closing the door and finally heading to his class.


Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: Butterfly by UMI

A/N: Back on that song shit 🌚


As Yoongi promised, he slipped on a pair of grey sweatpants and an oversized black hoodie before going out for a walk around campus.

He was miserable and in no way hiding it.

To be honest, he was hoping that fresh air would help even just a little but it's doing quite the opposite. His eyes suddenly watered, the thought of his parents only brought denial and teary eyes. He still couldn't believe that they were gone even after two years. The acceptance stage never came to him, leaving him lost and running to find the exits from his regretful 'what ifs' and anger-filled self-hatred.

The mint head halted, sitting on the curb when his eyes failed him, spilling unwanted tears. He hunched over his knees, refusing to let any by-passers see his horrible state. His hands shakily reached up and pulled his hood over his head.

In the midst of his misery, he failed to see a certain brunet turning a corner.

Hoseok whistled nonchalantly, one hand in his pocket while the other held his phone, typing a quick response to Namjoon's text.

He briefly glanced up to make sure he wouldn't end up tripping or bumping into anyone. His eyes caught sight of a male sitting on the sidewalk, curled into a small protective ball. A pale greenish fringe peeped out of his hood, immediately giving away his identity. There was only one person with mint green hair in their campus.

Jimin's best friend? The brunet thought, walking a little closer. Is he crying?

His assumption was confirmed when the male brought a sweater paw up to wipe his teary eyes, still oblivious of the younger's presence.

You see, Hoseok wasn't a complete asshole. He wasn't just going to leave without checking on the guy— maybe try to cheer him up if he could.

Typing a quick apology to Namjoon for bailing, he sighed and walked over to the crying male, pulling an object out of his backpack.

Yoongi froze when a pair of shoes stopped in front of his, a sudden shade casting over his sitting frame. He looked up to see no other than Hoseok Jung holding an umbrella over the mint head.

Confusion took over his face when he looked around to see that the street was completely dry, no sign of rain.

Hoseok's heart clenched at the sight of the other's red, tear-struck cheeks. Anyone would've pitied him.


"How come the rain's only falling on you?" The burnet questioned, reaching down to wipe a tear slipping under the older's eye. He kept the umbrella over Yoongi's head, glad that he brought one with him due to the recent train of rainy days.

The mint-haired male opened his mouth to say something but was again cut off when the younger handed the umbrella's handle to him.

"Here. Keep it for the next time you feel like crying, yeah?" Hoseok smiled warmly, the older's face tinting a deeper shade of pink before nodding. "Do you... wanna talk about it?"

Yoongi cutely shook his head, not fully ready to talk about his parents without guaranteeing that he wouldn't burst into a fit of tears.

"That's fine. You can tell me when you're ready— or not if you're not comfortable. No pressure." The younger assured, offering his hand out. "How about we have coffee right now if you're not busy? I'd still be up for lunch tomorrow if you are too."

The older nodded. "Okay. I-I'd love that." He took the male's hand, pushing himself off of the ground.

Maybe today wasn't as bad as he thought.

He couldn't believe he just scored two dates with the man he liked.

Maybe Hoseok did like him.

That thought alone brought a giddy smile on the older's face.

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