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Jimin and Yoongi widened their eyes, caught completely off guard

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Jimin and Yoongi widened their eyes, caught completely off guard.

"Me?" The mint head questioned in disbelief while his best friend's grin only widened.

"Sure, go ahead." The blonde insisted turning to the male with a discrete wink. "I'll see you in class, Gi. Don't be late."

He leaned in with a hug, whispering "Get that dick."

Yoongi pushed him off with a groan, the younger only laughing as he made his way to his class. Hoseok watched the interaction, slightly amused to witness just how close the two really were.

"Anyways—" The taller male started, the other's heart fluttering just from the sound of his voice. "Yoongi right?"

The said male nodded, feeling giddy that the man he had a small crush on actually knew who he was. Meanwhile, Hoseok felt relieved that he actually listened to Seokjin when he mentioned Jimin's bestfriend's name yesterday. Good thing he didn't butcher it.

He can figure out the shorter's last name later on.

"I wanted to see if you'd like to go out with me. Maybe tomorrow afternoon? Coffee?" The younger suggested with a grin.

"Y-your asking me out on a... date?" Yoongi was— to say the least— shocked. "B-but why?"

"What do you mean why?" The brunet laughed. "Cuz I like you." It was a harmless lie which seemed to work.


"Is that a yes or...?" Hoseok asked in anticipation.

The older smiled. "Yea—" He halted, suddenly remembering his dream. His stomach churned. He really didn't want to let Sehun affect his future relationships but it couldn't be helped. "N-no."

"Yes!" The brunet fist-pumped the air with a smile, spinning around before turning back with a confused expression when the other's answer finally dawned on him.

"Wait, no?" He questioned, a hand on his hip and the other pointing at the shorter male.

"Yeah... sorry." Yoongi apologized awkwardly.

"Can— can I at least know why?" Damn was he frustrated.

"This wouldn't be the first time someone's used me to get to my friend." Yoongi reasoned, laughing weakly.

Hoseok panicked. "What makes you think I'm doing the same thing?"

The older shrugged. "Have you seen Jimin? No one's ever picked me over him."

Maybe Hoseok started feeling guilty. Maybe he should've stopped before it escalated to something more.

But he's pretty dumb when it came to common sense.

"What about me? I'm choosing you." The brunet lied again. "I really do like you. I'd be a piece of shit if I only asked you out to be with Jimin."

A piece of shit indeed.

"W-well in that case... then yes." Yoongi changed his mind, blushing at the other's words.

"So coffee tomorrow?" Hoseok asked again, relieved.

"Can we go the day after tomorrow instead? It'll be Saturday anyways. I'm sorta... busy tomorrow."

"Sure thing." He took his phone out, handing it to the mint head. "Put your number in."

Yoongi nodded, doing just that. After typing his number and name in, he handed the device back to the brunet who saved the contact— but not before looking at the name.

Yoongi min, huh. He thought to himself. Noted.

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