( ͡❛ ᴗ ͡❛) Bonus ( ͡❛ ᴗ ͡❛)

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As God himself once said: "Let there be smoot"

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As God himself once said: "Let there be smoot"

Wise words. Wise words.

The smoot's not at all kinky actually


"Are you scared?"

"Of what?"

"Of the future." Hoseok answered, tightening his arms around his boyfriend's torso.

After spending June in Hoseok's hometown, the couple decided to laze the rest of July in Yoongi's home until they had to go back for the brunet's senior year in college. The mint head graduated before they left for summer break and Hoseok helped with packing most of his belongings, dropping them off at Yoongi's house. The boxes remained untouched since they'd have to transfer them again once Jimin and Yoongi moved in to an actual apartment.

Like Hoseok, Jimin had one more year left of college so the two best friends found a small and affordable apartment near campus.

"Very." Yoongi laughed softly, snuggling closer to his boyfriend's warmth. They were in his childhood bedroom, sitting on his bed with the speakers crooning a mixture of Bruno Major and Anson Seabra's works. The smaller sat between Hoseok's legs, back against the younger's chest, while Hoseok cradled his body in a loving hug.

"I'm sure the future will go easy on us." The brunet hummed, rubbing his boyfriend's tummy under one of the many shirts Hoseok bought him as a graduation present.

"That's easy for you to say. You and Jimin already have promising job offers as dance instructors for after you graduate." The older whined. "I'm out of college yet I still don't know what I wanna be. I don't even have a part time job— I've been living off of my parents' left over money."

Yoongi was more than stressed about the future. Moving on to a new chapter of his life would have to be one of the scariest things for him. He hated change. Transitioning from high school to college was tough enough and now that he had to leave college behind, he dreaded the mentally exhausting experience of trying to get used to it once August would hit.

He needed to find a job to help pay for his and Jimin's shared apartment soon. Some time in the next few months, he'd have to sell his parents' house— his childhood home. He couldn't afford to pay the extra bills, the money he had left wasn't going to cut it anymore.

The thought of letting go put him in a depressed state of mind.

Sensing the older's worries, Hoseok leaned forward, leaving soft kisses along the nape of his boyfriend's neck. "Stop stressing, bub. Just enjoy our break for now."

Yoongi hummed, nodding while reaching a hand back and running his fingers through the younger's hair. Hoseok's hands trailed down from his boyfriend's stomach to his thighs, lightly squeezing the soft flesh.

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