♪ 19 ♪

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: The Other Side by Conan Gray


3 Days Later

In the middle of the night, Yoongi woke up to crying.

He shot up, concerned eyes immediately panning toward his best friend. Jimin tossed and turned in his own bed, releasing miserable sobs along with 'mom', 'dad', and 'please try'.

Yoongi slipped off of his bed, sitting next to the younger blonde's head, gently stroking his face to pull him out of whatever nightmare he was having.

"Minie, wake up." He whispered softly, slowly waking the sleeping flower.

Jimin's eyes opened, feeling his own tears leaving trails on the sides of his face. His best friend flashed a caring smile when their eyes met, the younger not hesitating to lay his head on Yoongi's lap. He wiped his eyes on the older's basketball shorts but Yoongi didn't mind.

"You okay?" The taller asked, running his fingers through his best friend's locks like he usually did in these type of situations. Jimin shook his head, hugging the older's thigh closer. "Wanna tell me what the dream was about? You kept mentioning your parents, Minie."

Jimin's bottom lip wobbled but he tried his best to keep his composure. "I-I didn't tell you this sooner because I-I didn't wanna burden you with my problems but my mom and dad are getting a... getting a divorce. I d-didn't have a good winter break, Yoonie."

Yoongi's eyes softed. He saw it coming— the latter's parents were always fighting and ruining every single holiday for Jimin. The divorce had to happen sooner or later. The younger hated going home for that reason, afraid that it would suddenly come— which it did— and the former mint head pitied him for it.

The two best friends almost envied each other. Yoongi's parents were dead but they had a loving relationship with one another and their son while Jimin's, on the other hand, were alive but never got along, leading them to often lash out on their own children.

It's what made the two closer.

When Yoongi's parents were still alive, Jimin often spent his high school days and holidays with the Mins. He loved pretending like they were his real parents. After their death, Yoongi spent the holidays with the Parks which Jimin appreciated because his parents rarely fought whenever guests were over.

"I wish my parent's had a relationship like your parents, Yoonie. Maybe if they did, then I wouldn't have such high standards for my own love life." The younger blonde admitted, bitting his lip while fiddling with the blanket over his small frame. "I want to be in a relationship but it's hard. I don't want to have high standards but I can't help it. My parent's marriage is the reason why I can't have my guards down."

Yoongi knew that already. Anyone would've been able to guess why the younger blonde was the way he was if they knew of his situation at home.

"I'm really sorry about Hoseok, Yoongi. I don't know what got into me but I still feel like shit for my actions. I swear I have no feelings for him." Jimin apologized for the millionth time.

"Have I ever told you what happened between me and Sehun?" Yoongi questioned with a lazy smirk instead of responding to the other's apology. The younger shook his head. "He only hung out with me to get closer to you. I blocked him after the bastard asked for your number in the middle of our study date."

Jimin widened his eyes, feeling even guiltier now. He slapped the older's thigh. "Was that supposed to be make me feel better?! I feel even more like shit now!"

Yoongi only laughed. "Hey, it's not your fault that your so cute and funny and adorable~" He tickled the younger's sides, Jimin giggling and squirming like a child.

Once their little moment died down, the older spoke again. "It just sucks that I actually had strong feelings for Hoseok. There were times were he was sweet, you know? Almost felt like he actually meant some of his actions."

Jimin stiffened.

Yoongi noticed that.

"What? What are you hiding?" He questioned suspiciously.

The smaller slowly got off of the younger's lap. "I— uh... didn't tell you this sooner since I couldn't really find the right time but—"

More Than 2 Weeks Earlier

Jimin leaned in, connecting his own lips against Hoseok's.

The older was caught off guard, hands still holding the other's wrists between their chests.

Though he kissed back without letting his mind process his doings.

Not long after, a weird feeling grew in the pit of his stomach. It felt... wrong. Why did it feel wrong? He liked Jimin didn't he? This was his whole plan from the start? To get Jimin? Why did it suddenly feel—


Hoseok's eyes opened at the name that popped in his head. He pushed the blonde off, Jimin stumbling backwards in confusion. He still wasn't aware of what just happened in his drunken state.


"I-I'm sorry! I-I can't do this. I love Yoongi—" he stopped himself, widening his eyes at the sudden confession his mind pushed without his consent.

Suddenly his heart started beating faster, cheeks reddening at the realization.

Hoseok immediately ran away, leaving a sobering Jimin in the bar by himself.

Present Day

"HE PUSHED YOU AWAY AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME?!" Yoongi yelled frustratedly, chasing a scared Jimin around their small dorm. He didn't care that he was risking a noise complaint from their neighboring peers.

"I'M SORRY! I HAD TO MAKE SURE WE WERE ON GOOD TERMS FIRST!" Jimin panicked, crawling over his own bed to reach the bathroom faster but the older was quick to pull him by the ankle. The younger blonde whined, laying limp on his back, admitting defeat.

"Are you saying... are you saying he loves me?" Yoongi questioned, hovering over his best friend with hopeful eyes.

"That's what he said so I'd assume so. You gotta ask him yourself." The smaller shrugged.

That was enough to pull a tiny smile on Yoongi's face.


If you heard Tae's snippet of his new song, at the end of the vid he said something about an umbrella and THE WAY I FREAKED OUT CUZ OF THE UMBRELLA CONCEPT I HAVE IN THIS BOOK AODHSKDJ I predicted it sweaties 🐷

Oh yeah I forgot to say thank you for 5k reads last chapter SKDHSJDJ

2-3 chapters left :')

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