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Yoongi didnt attend his classes

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Yoongi didnt attend his classes. He wanted to celebrate his and Jimin's birthday for the evening.

"Why can't you tell me what you got me!" The younger whined for the hundredth time that day, clinging onto his best friend's arm.

"You gotta wait, Minie. Plus, you still have all of these." The mint head raised his hands. They held bags after bags of presents from the blonde's admirers that 'coincidentally' passed by at the right time.

Yoongi didn't really mind. He always did it for the younger despite Jimin's protests. The guy was only a year younger than him but the mint head always felt the need to baby him like his own little brother.

"But only your gift matters to me." Jimin pouted. Yoongi sighed, switching all of the gift bags in one hand so he could cup the younger's cheeks between his slender fingers. The shorter stared at him with wide, dolly eyes.


A/N: Like this 🥺🥺

A/N: Like this 🥺🥺

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"Patience, Park." He let go, the blonde groaning in defeat while the older went back to evening the amount of bags between both of his hands.


The said male looked up at the sound of his name. His boyfriend stood with a yellow bag in one hand and his other arm cradling a bouquet of pink roses.

He's probably planning on surprising you that day. Who knows, maybe you'll finally get your first kiss.

Yoongi couldn't help but gain a little hope from Jimin's words after seeing Hoseok in front of him.

"You didn't go to class?" The brunet questioned, the smaller male nodding shyly. The younger hummed. "That's good, I guess. Anyways, Jimin. Here. Happy birthday."

Both Jimin and Yoongi gawked.

"Me?" The blonde questioned, awkwardly taking the flowers. "What about your boyfriend?"

Well, that definitely wasn't the response he expected. "Uh... what about Yoongi?" He looked at the male who's cheeks resembled raspberry jam.

Jimin was not having it.

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