♪ 17 ♪

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be by Jess Benko

Have fun 🙂


Yoongi hadn't talked to Hoseok since the day of their horrible second month-aversary.

It had been almost a week yet the younger made no efforts in reaching out to the mint head.

The older could only assume that the brunet was planning to break up with him soon. That thought alone pierced another shattered glass through his heart.

To distract himself from his own misery, Yoongi decided to pick Jimin up from the bar.

The blonde told him he'd be going out for drinks and his best friend didn't trust him enough to arrive home in one piece. Jimin had horrible drinking habits when it came to dealing with stress and Yoongi knew he was part of the reason why the younger went out.

He'd been dodging his best friend's questions, changing the subject whenever it reached too close to the reasoning behind it all. The mint head hadn't told Jimin about his situation with Hoseok— partly because he didn't want his best friend hating his boyfriend.

Not that it would matter once the time comes and Hoseok breaks things off.

As the male entered the dim bar, his eyes immediately search for a head of blonde hair. It took him a while since the subtle moving lights made it harder for Yoongi to get a clear vision. Once he caught sight of his best friend, he didn't expect to see his own boyfriend with him.

They both stood by the counter, the younger looked irritated while Jimin seemed to be giving him a scolding, hitting his chest. Yoongi couldn't hear what they were arguing about but his eyes widened when he saw the brunet get a hold of his best friend's wrists. He looked pissed.

Panicking, the mint head walked toward the two, planning on pulling the smaller with him and away from Hoseok who looked like he was two seconds away from lashing out.

But he halted when the scene in front of him formed a lump in his throat.

The drunken Jimin leaned in, connecting his lips with Hoseok's. After a few seconds, his boyfriend kissed back.

He... he kissed back.

Yoongi almost laughed at the way his heart dropped, immediately shattering into bits and pieces.

No amount of glue would've been able to fix it.

He turned around, scurrying out of the building before one of the two males were even given the chance to see him.

The walk back to the dorms felt burdening. His eyes refused to spill any tears while his thumbs fiddled with the hem of the sweater Hoseok gave him.

He felt humiliated and used again. The same way he felt when Sehun revealed his true intentions except this time the pain was worse.

Because this time he stupidly fell in love.

Yoongi couldn't hold it in anymore. He shakily crouched down on the side walk, hugging his knees closer to his chest while his misery stumbled out of his eyes, tumbling down his pale cheeks. He could barely breath through the amount of tears pouring, the male gasping for air after every cry.

He wanted to believe that he was crying because he didn't have his umbrella with him. It was an idiotic thinking but that thought hurt less than facing the truth.

The truth that his heart ached because the man he loved didn't love him back.

I love you, Hoseok.

I'm glad.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. His thoughts taunted him, his arms cradling himself through his own pain.

Yoongi fell for the times Hoseok was sweet and dismissed the times he wasn't. He wanted to believe that the younger truly picked him. Was it so bad to have one thing for himself? To want one thing for himself? His selfish desire for love ignored all the signs. The signs that the brunet wasn't his.

The signs that he never had that one thing in the first place.

Hoseok liked Jimin.

Shouldn't be anything new.



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