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2/3 of the triple update

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2/3 of the triple update



The next day, Jimin left the dorms earlier than his best friend. Their hometown was farther from campus than Hoseok's house so he needed to drive an hour before.

Yoongi sat impatiently on his own bed while he waited for the brunet. His fingers nervously fiddled with the silver bracelet around his wrist, the one his boyfriend gave him for his birthday.

He was about to meet Hoseok's parents. Who wouldn't be drowning in anxiety knowing that they'll be meeting their boyfriend or girlfriend's birther and sperm donator? Exactly.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts, the mint head immediately scurrying to the doorknob. He swung the door open, slightly startling the brunet on the other side.

"Someone's excited." Hoseok laughed.

"The complete opposite actually." Yoongi groaned, stepping aside to let the male in.

"Jimin still here?" The younger questioned, looking around the small dorm with his hands in his pockets.

"He left earlier."

Hoseok hummed with a nod before finally pulling the older in a tight hug.

Yoongi couldn't help but notice a pattern. His boyfriend would always need a confirmation that Jimin wasn't around before doing anything remotely affectionate toward the mint head. He didn't know why it bothered him. The blonde's gotten pretty close to Hoseok so there was no logical reason for him to feel uncomfortable with even just hugging his best friend in front of him.

But like everything else, he let it slide for the time being.

"Seokie, I'm scared." The smaller male admitted in a whisper, cheek pressed against his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Of meeting my parents?" Hoseok assumed, the older nodding. "Don't worry, they're nice. They'll welcome you like any one of my other friends."

That made Yoongi tense, lifting his head to look up at his boyfriend. "Friends? A-Are you introducing me as a friend?"

He knew he shouldn't be upset about it— the brunet probably had a good reason as to why he wanted to keep their relationship hidden— but it still made his stomach drop.

"Yeah... I just don't want them to make you uncomfortable with their clinginess if I told them you were my boyfriend, bub." Even Hoseok himself didn't know if his own words were a lie or not. He's been feeling a little conflicted about himself these past few days.

"I don't mind." Yoongi insisted in a small voice, fiddling with the hem of his boyfriend's sweater.

"Just trust me, okay?" The brunet let the smaller go, grabbing his luggage for him. "I already have my stuff in the car so we're ready to go."

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