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Once again, the older sat on his boyfriend's bed, arms wrapped around a pillow

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Once again, the older sat on his boyfriend's bed, arms wrapped around a pillow.

His fingers nervously played with the silver bracelet on his wrist. Over it was the sweater that Hoseok gave him for Christmas which was a little over a week ago.

Yoongi texted the young if he could stay in his dorm— Namjoon had work anyway— to which his boyfriend sent a simple "I guess." The mint head was just glad he wasn't avoiding him.

It was their second month-aversary after all.

Though the older never brought it up, only waiting for his boyfriend to speak out about it first. He didn't want to embarrass himself like last time because Jimin reminded the brunet who had no clue of the day's worth.

Hoseok hadn't said a word about it which made the mint-haired male realize he forgot once again.

Little did he know, the younger did remember.

"What're you watching?" Yoongi scooted closer to the edge of the bed where the younger sat in front of his desk. His back faced the smaller male who tried peaking past the other's shoulder for a glimpse of his laptop screen.

"A movie."

The older's heart ached at the lack of emotion through his boyfriend's answer.

"Can— can I watch with you?" Hoseok didn't respond, only swerving his chair to the left, giving Yoongi a better view.

The mint head didn't really feel like watching a movie but it made him feel a little better knowing that the brunet was fine with sharing the screen.

It didn't take long for Yoongi to start feeling awkward. He didn't want to spend their day like that. He wanted to talk to the younger, let him ramble on about anything and everything like he usually did whenever they were together.

"Seokie, have you had your first kiss?" The older questioned out of the blue. Hoseok's never really mentioned if he's had any previous relationship— which he probably did.

"Course I have." The younger scoffed, leaning back to look at the smaller male. His brow raised when the mint head stiffened. "Don't tell me you haven't—"

"N-no, of course I have." Yoongi stammered through his lie. "I w-was just wondering why we've... never—uh.. done that."

The brunet didn't say anything, just went back to watching the movie.

The older felt like he fucked up again. He probably just made his boyfriend uncomfortable by saying that. What if he didn't want to kiss him and feels like he was now being forced to by the shorter male.

"N-not that we have to." Yoongi added shyly. "I was just saying what's on m-my mind. I d-don't mean to pressure you o-or anything. It's fine really—"

Hoseok unexpectedly leaned in, roughly pecking his lips.

It wasn't sweet at all— if anything, he seemed irritated and only did it to shut the older up. He pulled away, leaving the other male flustered while he went back to watching the movie on his laptop like nothing happened.

Yoongi was completely caught off guard. It wasn't a real kiss, just a peck, yet it left the guy stunned.

His eyes stung when they started watering without his permission.

Maybe it was because he expected his first "kiss" to be special. The one he got was nothing close to heart-stopping and it seemed like Hoseok forced himself to do it just so the older would stop talking and he could watch his movie in peace.

The brunet noticed the male fidgeting from the corner of his eye. He took a quick glance, only to fully look at Yoongi who had a tear running down his face.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Hoseok panicked before realization dawned on him. "Wait— was that your first—"

Yoongi shook his head wiping his tears away. He scrambled off the bed when the younger tried reaching his hand out to comfort the smaller male.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know why I'm crying." The mint head forcefully giggled, his sweater's sleeves were starting to get soaked.

"Yoongi." The brunet's eyes softened. "Bub, I'm so sorry—"

"I-I'll just head off." Yoongi excused himself, grabbing his phone and dorm keys from the nightstand. "S-sorry for d-disturbing you. I'll leave you alone to watch your movie now."

He didn't get another chance to speak before the older rushed out of his room.

The brunet couldn't believe he fucked up again.


Hoseok: h-
You guys:

For those that don't read Death's Charmer, this is the last part of my notes from my last update:

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For those that don't read Death's Charmer, this is the last part of my notes from my last update:

This chapter was shitty and I was originally planning on double updating tonight but I lost track of time LOL mAh bAd

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This chapter was shitty and I was originally planning on double updating tonight but I lost track of time LOL mAh bAd

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